Title : In search of efficient, ecofriendly, and safe high-rise facades for electrical and thermal energy production through photovoltaic systems
The growing demand for sustainable energy solutions leads to the integration of photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) modules into building facades. This study evaluates and compares the energy potential, wind load, and environmental benefits of PV/T modules installed on different facades of high-rise buildings. Using advanced computational techniques, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the wind interaction with PV/T modules on windward, lateral, leeward, tall, wide, and slanted facades is modelled and analysed. The results demonstrate that the leeward facade is more effective for electricity generation, while the windward and sideward facades perform better for thermal energy storage. Also, the slanted façade, despite receiving more solar energy, wastes the harnessed energy more than its perpendicular counterpart. Maximum energy outputs of 217 kW for thermal energy and 73 kW for electrical energy are recorded, depending on wind conditions. Additionally, energetic and exergetic efficiencies reach 55.2% and 17.7%, respectively. The study also finds that the leeward facade has the greatest impact on reducing CO2 emissions. These findings provide valuable insights into designing optimal PV/T facades for high-rise structures, expanding the range of structural designs and offering opportunities for implementing mitigation measures to enhance system durability and efficiency. The novelty of this research lies in the detailed comparative analysis of PV/T performance across multiple facades, offering a practical framework for future sustainable building designs.