HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

2nd Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques

September 14-16, 2023 | Hybrid Event

September 14-16, 2023 | Valencia, Spain
Bio Analytica 2022

Pieter Samyn

Pieter Samyn, Speaker at Analytical Chemistry Conferences
Department of Innovations in Circular Economy and Renewable Materials, SIRRIS, Leuven, Belgium
Title: Raman spectroscopy and imaging in organization, processing and functionalization of polysaccharide materials


The Raman spectra of polysaccharide materials provide plenty information on the local organization of polysaccharides in biological materials, their structural variations during processing and surface composition upon functionalization. Each of these aspects are covered by three case studies in our laboratory. First, the organization of polysaccharides in a chitin-protein matrix of crustacean exoskeleton is monitored to reveal differences in microstructure and composition throughout the cuticle cross-section of different skeletal segments with mineral and polysaccharide regions. A Raman study on organized layers provides better insight in the structure of biological materials and consequent possibilities for their extraction. Second, the processing of cellulosic nanofibers from pulp fibers by swelling in ionic liquids is a favourable pre-treatment to facilitate fiber fibrillation. Therefore, the selection of an appropriate swelling medium and conditions should be based on monitoring the influence of ionic liquid composition on swelling efficiency and resulting cellulose properties after different processing time. The local structural variations in crystallinity and internal stress distributions are monitored by in-situ micro-Raman mapping at single fiber-level as a function of time, indicating variations between mild and severe pre-treatment with possible increase in crystallinity, while extreme degradation upon complete dissolution is noticed. Third, the functionalization of micro- to nanofibrillated cellulose by deposition of oil-filled organic nanoparticles provides an active system for tuning of the surface hydrophobicity, which is quantified and visualized as a controlled thermal release of oil from the fiber surface by Raman mapping. After melt-processing of the functionalized fibers with a biopolymer, the different crystallization kinetics within the polymer matrix can be followed from specific spectral bands. All observations from Raman analysis are further supported by complementary analytical techniques and/or theoretical calculations.


Dr. ir. Pieter Samyn received Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering 2007 at Ghent University in the field of polymer tribology and subsequently developed an academic career with several post-doc and assistant professor positions at University Ghent, Freiburg, and Hasselt. In 2021, he joined the collective research center Sirris as a Senior Research Engineer in Circular Economy and Renewable Materials. He has broad experience on the synthesis, processing and analytical characterization of bio-based materials for nanocomposites and coatings. His analytical experiences focus on several types of spectroscopy, thermal analysis, elemental analysis and chromatography. His research focusses on surface functionalization of natural materials and papers in particular for engineering applications,  subsequently leading research projects on bio-inspired adhesion mechanisms, bio-based barrier-coatings for packaging papers and the development of functional (nano)composite materials from bio-based building blocks (cellulose, biopolymers) including melt-processing conditions. His work was awarded with a Robert-Bosch Juniorprofessorship, Baden-Wurttemberg Juniorprofessorenprogramm, Heinz-Maier Leibnitz Preis, FRIAS Fellowship and visiting scholar stependia at several research institutes. Currently, he assists companies in implementation of bio-based coatings and paints for industrial application.
