Ocung Guido BBLT, MSc.|Makerere University Kampala-Uganda. Guido holds a Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (BBLT) from Makerere University, Kampala and graduated in Jan 2018 with a degree of Master of Science in Immunology and Clinical Microbiology at the same University. During his MSc program, working under the supervision of Freddie Bwanga PhD., Margaret Lubwama Mmed., and Jackson Orem PhD., Guido studied the burden and associated factors of Human cytomegalovirus infection among febrile patients with hematological malignancies at Uganda Cancer Institute. Guido is privileged to be awarded a 2018 Dr. LEE Jong-wook fellowship that starts in October 2018. He is interested in studying emerging and neglected infectious disease.
Human cytomegalovirus infection in febrile patients with hematological malignancies at Uganda cancer institute