HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference

March 17-19, 2025

March 17 -19, 2025 | Rome, Italy
2022 Speakers

Ewa Danuta Bialek

Ewa Danuta Bialek, Speaker at Precision Medicine USA
Institute of Psychosynthesis, Poland
Title : When something comes on time, it is education, if too late, it is therapy. Health or disease - It is our choice


This paper is based on the author’s personal history. It references various studies supporting her arguments on the depth and scale of individual and social problems and diseases of civilization in the modern world. Her descriptions and explanations have become a basis of not only analysis but also synthesis, and the creation of original programs of lifelong education aimed at preventing tendencies toward unconsciously harming the people that one is closest to and ultimately taking precaution against destruction of mankind, the environment and the world. This education, based on values, aims to reveal the essence of things – from Latin „educere” – and so to extract the hidden depth in each person, for positive effects in the human sphere – humanum, his mind-body and spirit.


Dr. Ewa Danuta Bialek - longlife scientist in the field of medicine (doctoral dissertation in immunology, specialization in clinical diagnosis). She completed postgraduate studies in psychology (USA) and a number of courses in Psychosynthesis (USA). In the years 1997–2003 she created “Education for the Future” Association and in 2004 - The Institute of Psychosynthesis in Warsaw conducting workshops for teachers “Education for health in the family, school and the world”.

She is an authoress of 54 books and ca 80 scientific articles on the use of psychosynthesis, both to promote health and to understand the causes of diseases.
