Title : Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) as a unique healthcare model to secure the human healthcare, wellness and biosafety through the view of public health, network-driven healthcare services and lifestyle management
Personalized & Precision Medicine (PPM) is expected to transform this situation giving healthcare professionals of tomorrow much more reliable control over morbidity, mortality and disabling rates, and significantly optimize the cost and efficacy of treatment for those who have fallen ill and already diseased, or are still persons-at-risk. PPM is a name for the grand new paradigm in healthcare management being based first on prevention, pre-clinical detection of the illness, and delivery of drugs to target tissues with exceptional levels of precision. In this regard, an upgraded model of healthcare service, which includes the philosophy, principles and armamentarium of PPM and aimed at identifying the disorder at its pre-early (subclinical) stage, is being created and set up. PPM focuses on predictive and preventive measures that contribute to the development of individualized strategies for managing a healthy lifestyle that stabilize morbidity rates and can help to improve the working capacity of the population.
PPM and PPM-based Public Health call jointly for a transdisciplinary approach to support safe and effective deployment of the new enabling diagnostic, predictive, preventive, prophylactic, therapeutic and rehabilitative technologies not to treat but to get cured!!! So, health policy being based on PPM-based Public Health concept can be the first resource to help us use PPM therapies in a sustainable manner in healthcare systems to secure the public health being the best one. You might see that a unique opportunity arises for unusual and, even extraordinary, strategic partnerships between governments, regulatory, academic, healthcare and business sectors.
The emergence of PPM in practice will depend on the interplay between several stakeholders. So, partnership working is identified as a key prerequisite in taking action on the social determinants of health, because this requires comprehensive action by a range of stakeholders working in a concerted and sustained way to address the issues. For doctors, PPM poses major medical education and clinical practice challenges. Biopharma, Biotech and medical insurance companies are already building PPM and PPM-based Public Health model into their research and development strategies. Payers themselves are probably the most skeptical at this point, fearing, with some justification, ever-escalating prices. But they too will embrace the new era if they are offered solutions that combine targeting diagnostics, targeted therapies and tracking digital tools. The result will be fewer occasions on which they pay for ineffective treatment and indeed the potential for fewer treatment episodes, as a result of more targeted prevention.
Thus, the main task of PPM is to extend healthy life and increase the size of working-age population, with simultaneous and timely detection of pathological changes in the body, and targeted measures aimed at preventing diseases. Implementation of PPM requires a lot before the current model “physician-patient” could be gradually displaced by a new model “medical advisor-healthy person-at-risk”. This is the reason for developing global scientific, clinical, social, and educational projects in the area of PPM to elicit the content of the new branch. So, to fully harvest the unique potential of PPM and PPM-based Public Health, new generations of new precision diagnostic, predictive, prognostic, preventive, prophylactic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and digital products will need to be matched with new thinking and new practice on the part of all the participants in the healthcare system. In this connection, the healthcare providers, public policy sector, and consumer industries will be required to develop new and creative models and products.
Audience Takeaway:
- The Audience will be able to learn new PPM-guided principles, philosophy and technologies from the contents of the speech.
- To create the new jobs or occupy the existing positions at the schools and companies.
- This research could be implemented for teaching and training.
- The speech will provide a set of practical solutions to surmount the problems in PPM implementation into practice.
- The speech will provide the key issues to improve the accuracy of design-driven translational approach to the implementation of PPM into practice.