Title : Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) thought The View of Reproductive Healthcare and Natural Family Planning: An Option for clinicians and caregivers realize the potential of genomics-informed care to secure the Individualized Human Biosafety
Personalized & Precision Medicine (PPM) as being the Grand Challenge to forecast, to predict and to prevent is rooted in a big and a new science generated by the achievements of systems biology and translational medicine, whilst integrating platforms of OMICS- and IT-technologies. The concept of PPM has been applied in reproductive medicine long before its popularization. The causes of infertility are various, and factors influencing the success rates of ART are complicated; hence, every step of reproductive medicine, such as the diagnosis of infertility causes and transfer of healthy embryos, needs to be precise. One of the better known uses of PPM-related resources in reproductive medicine and family planning and female infertility is the genetic test that most accurately determines how receptive a woman’s endometrium (inner uterine lining) is for implanting an embryo.
Genomics and proteomics tests represent examples of methods to investigate the molecular level of male infertility as well. The Columbia University Reproductive Precision Medicine Center is perfectly positioned to be a global leader in the development and implementation of these approaches. And PPM-driven genomics as the major part of the Reproductive medicine & Family planning are a new and exciting field with the potential to significantly improve medical care for pregnant women and newborns. Moreover, natural family planning (NFP) empowers women to control their reproductive health and approach fertility as a normal biological process.
Meanwhile, family planning specialists have the unique and exhilarating responsibility to help ensure that young patients derive maximal benefit from genomics which, in turn, will provide the family planning specialists new and often unexpected insights into the biological basis of health and disease and will afford new health care options requiring informed and sometimes challenging choices of physicians and patients. So, developing PPM-guided reproductive field-related expert-driven competency in genomics is a daunting task, but one that the specialty can and must accomplish in the near future. Achieving such competency will provide effectively integrating genomics into practice, will improve PPM-guided reproductive field -related experts’ effectiveness in caring for patient current health concerns and will make experts the guides to lifelong health. For PPM-guided reproductive field, precision has always been a criterion in every procedure, including etiology-oriented examination, specific diagnosis, identifying healthy embryos, and accurate implantation. Combined with genetic information and a large volume of biomedical data, an unknown territory of reproductive medicine will be explored, and the mechanisms underlying the causes of infertility that we do not yet know will be elucidated. The application of PPM has become a guideline for the development of medicine, especially for PPM-guided reproductive field.
Meanwhile, Personalized and Precision Reproductive Medicine (PPRM) is still in its infancy, without clear guidance on treatment aspects that could be personalized and on trial design to evaluate PPM-based treatment effect and benefit–harm balance. While the rationale for a PPRM-driven approach often relies on retrospective analyses of large observational studies or real-world data, solid evidence of superiority of a PPRM-driven approach will come from randomized trials comparing outcomes and safety between a PPRM-driven and one-size-fits-all strategy. Organized into five parts - childhood and emerging adulthood; childbearing; reproductive control; violence; and beyond reproduction - the volume encompasses a life-course perspective in understanding women’s and men’s sexual and reproductive health. A more efficient, targeted randomized trial design may recruit only patients or couples for which the PPRM-driven approach would differ from the previous, standard approach. Continued investment in effective prevention and treatment strategies is essential to protect adolescents' sexual and reproductive health. This is the reason for developing global scientific, clinical, social, and educational projects in the area of PPM to elicit the content of the new branch.
Audience Takeaway:
- The Audience will be able to learn new PPM-guided principles, philosophy and technologies from the contents of the speech.
- To create the new jobs or occupy the existing positions at the schools and companies
- This research could be implemented for teaching and training experts in reproductive medicine and family planning.
- The speech will provide a set of practical solutions to surmount the problems in PPM implementation into practice.
- The speech will provide the key issues to improve the accuracy of design-driven translational approach to the implementation of PPM into PPM-guided reproductive practice.