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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

2nd Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Techniques

September 14-16, 2023 | Hybrid Event

September 14-16, 2023 | Valencia, Spain
Bio Analytica 2023

Mohsin Sattar

Mohsin Sattar, Speaker at Analytical Techniques Events
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Title: Correlation analysis of established creep failure models through computational modelling for SS-304 material


To maintain safety and reliability in power plants, creep-life prediction models have received much attention over the years. This article was designed to focus on the conditions when a material structure is exposed to extremely high temperatures and pressures with the help of finite element analysis. A direct comparison of the feasibility of different models’ fitness and suitability in predicting creep damage was presented in this article by simulating the damage evolution of a uniaxial SS-304 specimen under a pre-defined load, using established constitutive creep models. Comparative assessments of minimum creep strain rate, creep deformation, and stress rupture were demonstrated using the Norton–Bailey (NB), Kachanov–Rabotnov (KR), Theta projection (TP), and sine-hyperbolic (SH) models while standardizing them with the Omega model. The FE results of a dog-bone specimen, while implementing the models, were compared with the actual creep experiment results to check for the models’ reliability and validation. Subsequently, sensitivity studies of the established creep models were conducted using the statistical tools RSM and ANOVA, with an analysis of how the parameters for operation, design, and material dependency came into effect. Thus, quantitative and qualitative correlation analyses of the FE creep response for these five established models were conducted together, resulting in finalizing the selection of the most suitable model, the sine-hyperbolic model, for the SS-304 material under the defined boundary conditions

Audience Take Away:

  • Audience will be able to familiarize with established creep prediction models used in the industry and research.
  • The correlation method presented in the presentation will help them to identify, select and implement creep model for the prediction of stainless steel creep deformation behaviour.
  • Yes, the research is useful in which other researchers and faculty can use to expand the research topic.
  • Yes, the method provides a practical solution to the designer’s and can help in making their design job more efficient.
  • Yes, the research study definitely provide new information as this area is untapped an not much work has been on material’s failure due to creep defect.
  • Near accurate prediction for creep crack initiation, growth and rupture
  • In depth analysis of changes in material’s atoms arrangement due to disorientation of atoms crystal lattice structure.


Mr. Mohsin Sattar received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from NED University Pakistan, master’s degree in engineering design from Brunel University, UK and currently pursuing his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His current research interests include fracture mechanics, creep modelling and creep life prediction models. He published 4 research articles in ISI/Scopus impact factor journals.
