Purpose: Describing of methodology of a SOAI in organ-preserving treatment of children with an intraocular retinoblastoma and demonstrating the various ways of alkylating agent delivery to a tumor.
Materials and methods: 316 SOAI procedures to 110 children (129 eyes) have been performed from 2011 to 2017. 2 methods of a SOAI were applied: 1) the microcatheter technique - superselective catheterization of an eye artery or collateral branches of an ECA at blood flow hemodynamic redistribution; 2) the micro-balloon technique.
Results: Technical success was 95,8% (303 procedures). From 245 procedures with using of a microcatheter infusion was carried out in: a. ophthalmica – 196 (80%), a.meningea media – 27 (11%), a.infraorbitalis – 20 (8,2%), a. temp. superficialis – 1 (0,4%), a.facialis – 1 (0,4%). From 61 procedures with using of micro-balloon 58 were successful. We didn`t manage to put a balloon more distally than the place of an entry of an eye artery in 3 cases. Unsuccessful attempts – 13 cases: failure of catheterization of a femoral artery – in 3, a kinking/koyling of the ICA – in 3, a vascular collapse as a result of reaction to contrast agent and/or mechanical impact on ICA – in 3, lack of contrasting of a retina – in 3, an occlusion of an ICA – in 1.
Conclusion: Possession and use of various techniques for alkylating agent delivery to an eye tumor allows to achieve the maximum effect and doesn’t depend on anatomy options and blood flow hemodynamic redistribution in the main vessels of an eye.