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Neema Tiwari, Speaker at Oncology Conferences
PGICH, Noida, India


Blood cancer has become quite common in all age groups, worldwide. The cancer ranges from Acute life-threatening leukemias to indolent chronic leukemias, Lymphoma spillovers causing morbidity and mortality to slow-growing indolent lymphomas. Since blood is present everywhere in the body hence the spread of hematological malignancies is massive. Chemotherapy is expensive and a must to treat blood cancers. However, the ancillary workups like flowcytometry etc in prognosticating and diagnosing blood cancers become quiet cumbersome and heavy on the pocket for an average Indian. Therefore, the authors planned the study aimed at analyzing-
-Trend in NLR,LMR, PLR RDW, Platelet count at baseline
-Trend in NLR,LMR, PLR RDW, Platelet count 2 months post-chemotherapy
-Comparison between 2 parameters for any significant change
The study was carried out on 11 cases as a prospective case-based study of 11 cases where pre and post-values of chemotherapy cases of newly diagnosed blood cancer cases were available with the author. The baseline CBC and post-induction 1 st CBC were used to record the variables under study and latest SPSS software was used to come to a conclusion through the results. The findings stated that there was a decline in NLR, PLR and Platelet count at follow-up as compared to baseline and an increase in LMR and RDW at follow-up as compared to baseline, however, the difference was significant statistically only for PLR (p=0.028) and near significant (p=0.059) for platelet count. Hence in view of significant findings seen only in 11 cases a larger cohort may be used to correlate these findings with follow up of such cases.

Audience Take Away Notes:
The following were the aims of our study:

  • -Trend in NLR,LMR, PLR RDW, Platelet count at baseline
  • -Trend in NLR,LMR, PLR RDW, Platelet count 2 months post-chemotherapy
  • -Comparison between 2 parameters for any significant change
  • Hence the authors want to highlight the importance of Complete blood counts-a simple toll available at almost all the labs as an important diagnostic tool to assess the  progress of patients on chemotherapy in cases of blood cancers


Neema Tiwari did her MBBS and MD in Pathology in Pathology from Eras Lucknow Medical college and Hospital, She is has worked  as Senior Resident, Pathology in department of clinical hematology and hemato-oncology, King George Medical University, India and Post Graduate Institute of Child Health Noida, UP and has 4 years post PG experience. She is currently working as Assistant Professor in Post graduate Institute of Child Health, Noida. She has done numerous intramural and extramural (ICMR,DST)research projects and has many national and international publications in indexed and peer reviewed journals(>40) to her credit. She is a reviewer for 3 journals to of which are pubmed indexed. She has presented papers in IAP,ICC and CAP conferences. She has recently presented a poster on MDS in the ISHBT-EHS TUTORIAL-2018 held in India. She is an ICO Fellow from Barcelona Spain in Molecular pathology/hematology.

She has co-authored several books, including Analysis of Various Patterns of Leukemia in the Indian Population (Neema Tiwari and Sunita Tiwari, Lambert Publications, 2018), Manual of Hematology (Ahuja Publishers, 2021), and Hematology Made Easy (Questvision Publication, 2024), and contributed chapters to three upcoming books. She also runs a YouTube channel focused on teaching pathology to postgraduate residents, which has over 1,500 followers. Currently, she serves as an International Ambassador for the College of American Pathologists in India and was an International Observer in Pathology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center under Dr. Travis and Dr. Antenescou. Her professional memberships include the European Hematology Association, Junior Member of CAP, ISHBT, and the European Society of Pathology.
