Title : Achieving 100% blood traceability compliance: A United Kingdom district hospital experience
The National blood transfusion center gives its utmost priority to safe blood transfusion and this is done through monitoring all the threats that can be transmitted through blood transfusion. Safe blood transfusion depends on efficient testing techniques for blood donors and an effective traceability system in place to trace donors to recipients and vice versa. The prescription, distribution and transfusion of blood and its components is a complex process within the transfusion chain, traceability compliance of this whole process remains a legal requirement for all blood bank and establishment in the United Kingdom. This presentation will provide how the District Hospital achieved 100% traceability compliance after these major changes of the transfusion process were implemented.
- It is a legal requirement in the U.K to trace all blood products.
- Different models of tracking blood components.
- Current practice of traceability compliance.
- Lesson learnt from poor traceability compliance.