This is to inform that due to some circumstances beyond the organizer control, "2nd Edition of International Summit on Hematology and Blood Disorders" (Hematology 2025) June 05-07, 2025 | Hybrid Event has been postponed. The updated dates and venue will be displayed shortly.
Your registration can be transferred to the next edition, if you have already confirmed your participation at the event.
For further details, please contact us at or call + 1 (702) 988 2320.
Title: Managing bacterial eradication in disease and survival for life support systems on earth and space
Title: AI and machine learning technologies on immunotherapy
Title: Curvularia and the brain: Case demonstration of optimal management
Title: Can a prolonged aPTT predict a positive lupus anticoagulant in a patient with thrombosis?
Title: High grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC, BCL2 w/wo BCL6 rearrangements
Title: Discrepancies of prothrombin time with low FVII activity could be a rare case of Factor VII Padua
Title: Overcoming the blood–brain barrier by Annexin A1-binding peptide to target brain tumours
Title: Venous thromboembolism in a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency and probable Apla syndrome
Title: Hereditary hemolytic anemias due to red blood cell membranopathies rheological and genetic approach
Title: Deciphering the impact of bilf1, a new potential target therapy encoded by Epstein-Barr virus
Title: Resting blood BDNF in individuals with sickle cell disease and osteonecrosis
Title: First line treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia – The agony of choice
Title: Covid-19 microthrombosis in vivo assessed by conjunctival video capillaroscopy
Title: Clinical use of cryopreserved platelets: The Czech republic concept
Title: Bleeding in children with inherited factor deficiency: Our single center experience in Jordan
Title: Improving outcomes of curable lymphoma in resource constrained regions
Title: A study of hypercoagulable and inflammatory markers in Covid-19 patients
Title: Microscopic image analysis of red blood cells for anemia diagnosis
Title: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) probably induced after COVID-19 vaccination
Title: Antioxidants as modulators of stored blood and its components
Title: Effect of DMT1 gene mutation on pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia
Title: Muscle strength and quality of life in children with sickle cell anemia
Title: Special considerations regarding anticoagulation in COVID-19: Bleeding risk scores evaluations
Title: COVID-19 related unusual thrombotic events in young adult non-critically Ill patients
Title: An update on anaemia among pregnant women: Pregnant teenagers
Title: Assessment of diurnal variation of serum iron levels among healthy individuals in Khartoum State
Title: Reciprocal expression of miR-22-3p and BCL11a as circulatory markers for beta thalassemia
Title: Achieving 100% blood traceability compliance: A United Kingdom district hospital experience
Title: Conventional and molecular cytogenetic analysis of 93 multiple myeloma moroccan patients