Title : Multiple alloantibodies: The strategy for identifying antibodies and transfusion management
Patients with multiple alloantibodies exhibit wildly different matching patterns and reaction intensities. Thus, alloantibodies need to have their specificity and clinical importance verified. In the presence of multiple antibodies in the patient’s sample, it is necessary to study well each antibody's pattern and its phase to confirm the specificity and clinical significance of alloantibodies and suggest any clear distinct specific further pathway that can assist with identification of each antibody in confident. Generally, the blood bank centers that serve different patient categories, including hematological and post-stem cell transplants should have a clear pathway for how is the route of administration of multiple non-ABO-all antibodies and select the proper unit phenotype for blood transfusion in this case multiple antibodies were identified anti-E-, anti-s , anti-K-, and anti-P1- so the selected red blood cells should be negative to all identified antibodies . more over the availability of the resources that include the different reagent manufactures, resources in addition the availability of all enough stock of blood and blood products to give chance to switch patients to suitable blood group as alternative solution and avoiding the delay of patient care.