6th Edition of International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering
Welcome Message Materials 2024
Hello, it’s 2023 and 2024….What’s New in Materials Research ?
Does it feel like nothing new is happening in materials research and commercialization these days ? Is graphene new ? Nope, graphene has been around for centuries. Are nanomaterials new ? Nope, the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative started in 2000, and existed long before then. Are supramolecular chemistries new ? Nope the Nobel Prize for supramolecular chemistry was given in 1987. How about the Materials Genome Initiative ? Nope, President Obama announced the U.S. Materials Genome Initiative in 2011. I mean, what new is really happening in materials research ? And is anything new being commercialized ? Replacing lithium ion batteries ? They have been around since the 1990s. So, where are the new advances ? Where is the progress ? As a frequent conference plenary speaker, I ask this question all the time at conferences I attend.
Please don’t turn to social media (or even some news agencies) for answers. They seem to get everything wrong and only publish stories hoping to stir controversary. Turn to scientists. Turn to conferences. But only turn to conference that aren’t recycling old materials research but instead are highlighting new innovations in materials research. Turn to conferences that emphasizing not just fundamental research but real commercialization of such new materials that are changing human lives. How about picomaterials ! How about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in new and improved material design ! How about additive manufacturing building homes and space stations ! Now that’s new and such efforts are being commercialized.
I invite and welcome you all to Materials 2024 where new materials ideas will be presented by real scientists. We will emphasize commercialization as well to discuss how such research can impact real human lives. Break the habits of old conferences and old materials research. Discover what’s new in materials research and commercialization, today !