Dr. Elaheh Mohebbi studied Applied Chemistry at Teacher Training University of Tehran, Iran and graduated as MS in 2012 in Physical Chemistry from Applied Sciences University of Damghan, Iran. She then, in 2015, joined in the research group of Prof. Maurizio Casarin at the University of Padova, Italy and received her PhD degree in Molecular Science. Since 2019, she started the postdoctoral fellowship supervised by Prof. Mir Masoud seyedfakhrabadi in Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Tehran, Iran. From 2021, she is researcher in Department of Science and Engineering of Matter, Environment and Urban Planning (SIMAU), Marche Polytechnic University, Italy. Her research focuses on first principles computational modelling, device design, electronic structure calculations, mechanical, optical properties, phononic and phase transitions, thermal conductions, IR, Raman and STM simulations. She has published extensively in these areas with more than 25 papers in archival journals and conference publications.
Title : Copper-based hot electrons and high-efficiency I(V) characteristics generated by VSe2 nanodiode