Title : Pathology and patient safety: The vital role of electronic medical record and pathology informatics in error reduction and precision medicine
Electronic medical record (EMR)'s use has increased exponentially worldwide. There is a large variety of laboratory information systems (LIS) in the modern healthcare, which may have remarkable advantages over the traditional pen and paper way to record events and data in a patient's chart. Pathology informatics is key in identifying and focusing the role of Precision Medicine in the 21st century. Despite the healthcare has suffered impressive challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers and administrators have identified to optimize and improve the way we approach patients and diseases. There is the potential to provide higher quality and safer care for patients while creating tangible augmentations for our organizations. Beaker is a system operating as an LIS offered in the United States and Canada by Epic Systems Corporation (Verona, WI, United States). This LIS is sold in two independent modules. Beaker Clinical Pathology (also known as “Beaker CP”) and Beaker Anatomic Pathology (also known as “Beaker AP”) are the two modules. Beaker is a quite recent new LIS within the Epic suite, which offers both LIS and EMR. Also, Beaker is universally incorporated in enterprise licenses for user of the Epic software. Pathology informatics can play a critical role in the prevention, identification, and correction of errors. Standardization of AP/CP pathology reports, such as the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Checklist, has diminished the number of errors and misunderstandings regarding pathology findings useful for staging and therapy. We are going to elucidate some principles of implementing Epic Beaker software for anatomic pathology in academic therapeutic institutions. Executing such software will improve the diagnostic approach because the clinical and anatomic pathologists will straight admit a massive amount of clinical and radiological information now at their front desk
Audience Take Away Notes:
- A variety of Laboratory Information Systems
- Pathology Informatics Role in Precision Medicine
- Challenges and Endeavors of Implementing EPIC in an Academic Centre