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Lina Abdelrahman Osman Hemmeda , Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference
University of Khartoum, Sudan
Title : Patients’ access to essential Medicines at primary healthcare facilities: A crosssectional study in khartoum state, Sudan, 2022


Access to free essential medicines is a critical component of universal health coverage. However, the availability of essential medicines in Sudan isn't well studied. As well, the majority of Sudanese people lack health insurance, making out-of-pocket sp ending the primary source of drug financing. Wherefore, the affordability of medicines in Sudan is questionable, with only 30% of the total population being covered by a public health service, public health insurance.  We undertook this study to assess the availability and affordability of essential medicines in public sector health facilities in Khartoum state. Secondly, we also ascertained the quality of storage and inventory management systems in health facilities. Moreover, this study also aims at assessing patients' perceived accessibility of essential medicines.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Help the audiences recognize Pharmaceutical situations internationally and in Sudan - as a low-income country.
  • Understanding the health insurance scheme's effect on the out-of-pocket pharmaceutical expenditure.
  • Giving an overview of the healthcare system in low-income countries, and insights into the developed once.
  • Understand the adequate primary healthcare storage conditions for the drugs.


Lina Hemmeda is a fifth-year medical student from Sudan. Focusing on solution-based actions she found herself melting into leadership and NGOs environment, taking numerous roles as a research and science advocate, and as an activist in evidence-based practice. She had over three years of research experience with articles published in Pubmed indexed journals.

