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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Preeti Sharma, Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference
Santosh University, India
Title : Study on yoga practices and Biochemical, physical & physiological alterations: A perspective on yoga as preventive strategy against Covid 19


Background: During covid pandemic period our home restricted life led to many undesirable physical, physiological and mental alterations. Yoga a traditional system of medicines by virtue of its holistic approach towards health and disease and also due to reasonable cost, the technique has an edge in dealing with health problems and with primary prevention of disease.

Aim: Current study has been designed to assess the effect of short term (for 3 months for 5 days in a week or 40 days) yoga practice on lipid profile, and blood glucose level, CRP and other physical & physiological parameters among healthy subjects

Methods: Students went for yoga practice for 3 months (90 days) for 5 days in a week under the supervision of trained yoga instructor. yoga activity was conducted via google meet app through broad band connectivity. The procedure began with Surya Namaskar (Sun Saluation) with a session of 12 asanas (fixed postures) for 20 minutes, followed by 15 minutes Pranayam (breathing exercise including anulome-vilome, surya bandana, sheetali, and bhramari). Session ended with 10 minutes meditation. Yoga program was started on 27th of September 2020 and ended on 27th of December 2020 after completion of 3 months. Biochemical Investigation (Lipid Profile, FBG, CRP) and physiological parameters (BP, Pulse), and other anthropometric parameters including weight, height BMI reports were collected before 27th September and after 27th December in a period of 5 days after completion of 3 months tenure.

Result: Results of the study clearly indicate fasting sugar, Systolic blood pressure and LDL were significantly decreased (with value < 0.02, 0.007 and 0.001 respectively) in the post yoga phase as compared to pre yoga baseline investigation.

Conclusion: Present study substantiates some good results of the yoga training. Though all the tested parameters could not show desired changes and they were statistically insignificant


Motivating and talented Biochemistry Professor, driven to inspire students to pursue academic and personal excellence. Consistently strive to create a challenging and engaging learning environment in which students become lifelong learners. Exceptional track record of research success with multiple published articles. Dr. Preeti Sharma is currently working as Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Ghaziabad, NCR, Delhi, India, deeply involved in teaching and research. Her area of research has been interdisciplinary including Drug Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics and Inflammatory Markers, Immunology. She did her doctorate research from renowned world class institute ‘Central Drug Research Institute’, Lucknow, under the aegis of (Council of Scientific and Indrustrial Research), New Delhi India, in the Department of Biochemistry and awarded Research Fellowship. She has more than 130 publications (research and review articles) with high citation and few in phase of communications . She also wrote 2 books on Bio-organic Chemistry and Basics of Immunology. She is member of various professional bodies and has participated and presented number of papers in national and international conferences.  She is frequently invited as international speaker and currently she is global cooperative research consultant. She is credited with a number of ICMR (Indian council of medical Research)-STS funded projects and has guided and co-guided a number of Ph.D and MD students in the field of Medical Biochemistry.  Recently she is awarded International Scientist award in 2020 and research excellence award in 2021, International education award 2021 for his exceptional contribution to research & teaching respectivel. During the pandemic she has been deeply involved in covid related research. Her contributions to covid-19 research in published in various publications and recently she was awarded Uttar Pradesh Government DGME corona worrier award 2022.
