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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Prashant Sakharam Bhokardankar, Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference
Datta Meghe Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, India
Title : Ayurvedic bhasmas as a nano medicines for the human kind


Mineral and metallic nanomedicines are a precious resource found in the Ayurvedic medical system. Rasashastra is an Ayurvedic branch that deals with the preparation and therapeutic use of nanomedicines. A weak interdisciplinary collaboration between science and Ayurveda ultimately arose from the Indian scientific community's poor scientific judgment of Ayurvedic principles. The current discovery is to think about using Ayurveda effectively by having a deeper understanding of its principles. Luckily, some in the new genre have been moved to see this fact and take a stance as translators, communicating in a language that both parties can comprehend and reestablishing the connection between Ayurveda and science without sacrificing its unique flavor. Nanometers measure the particle size of the Bhasma kind of medication, which is described in Ayurvedic texts. The paper highlighted bhasma as a nano medicines for upcoming generations as drugs.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Audience use the drugs at lower doses and minimal side effects
  • Nano dose can help to reach the target organ effectively
  • This research can be used by other faculty to expand their research or teaching. It can also help in developing MOU models and adding efficacious drugs to the pharmaceutical basket


Dr Prashant Bhokardankar is BAMS,He did his MD ayurveda in Rasshastra from Govt.ayurveda college Nanded India  in 2005. He started his career as a  Lecture in Dept.of Rasshastra-Bk at siddhakala Ayurved college Sangamner. After That he served various pharma companies like Dabur  and Arya Vaidya Pharamcy coimbatore. Currently he is working as  a Professor at DMAMCHRC Nagpur from 2019.He has published various national and international research papers in indexed Journals .He has organized various seminar and workshops.on traditional medicines so called ayurvedic medicines.He worked as Principal investigator for various funded Research projects in his tenure.He has vast experience in Ayurveda Pharma sector.
