Title : Photoremoval of ketoprofen, naproxen and phenazopyridine from pharmaceutical residues in a hospital wastewater treatment plant via Fe3O4-MnO2@rGO nanocomposite
A reduced graphene oxide (RGO) supported Fe3O4-MnO2 nanocomposite (Fe3O4-MnO2@rGO) was successfully prepared for catalytic degradation of pharmaceutical residues (ketoprofen, naproxen and phenazopyridine ) present in hospital wastewater treatment plant. The removal efficiencies of ketoprofen, naproxen and phenazopyridine were observed as high as 100%, 99.9% and 99.8 under the conditions of pH = 7.0, Fe3O4-MnO2@rGO concentration of 0.8 mg/L, a reaction time of 20 min at a temperature of 30 0C at individual pharmaceutical concentration of 900 mg/l. This nanocomposite had good magnetic recoverability and excellent reusability. Fe, Mn, and RGO could play a synergistic role in the improvement of pollutants removal. Quenching results indicate that surface bounded some chemical groups was the major contributor to pollutant decomposition, and the -OH groups on the composite surface shouldered a significant role in the activation during photodegradation. The results indicate that the magnetic Fe3O4-MnO2@rGO nanocomposite has a good potential for removing in the pharmaceutical residues from the waterbody. Some physicochemical analysis also was performed to determine the structure and the surface properties of Fe3O4-MnO2@rGO nanocomposite.