Title : Scallop male gonad powders improve exercise performance and exert antifatigue effect via alleviating the oxidative stress and modulating inflammatory cytokines in mice
Scallop male gonad (SMG) is the primary edible by-product of scallop P. yessoensis during scallop adductor muscle processing. In this work, SMG powders at the dosage of 50 mg/kg/d, 100 mg/kg/d, and 200 mg/kg/d were supplied in male ICR mice. SMG powders showed comparable anti-fatigue effect with positive controls of whey and soy isolate proteins. In detail, SMG powders increased the exhausted swimming time of mice by 1.4-1.8 folds, and increased the content in glucose, liver glycogen, and muscle glycogen by 1.1-1.9 folds in a dosage-dependent behavior compared to the Con-S group. Meanwhile, SMG powders could maintain the muscle tissue with orderly arrangement morphology after acute vigorous exercise. Moreover, compared with Con-S group, the SMG powders alleviated the oxidative stress, reflected by down regulation of NAD+/NADH in muscle tissue, and increasing APT content in muscle tissue by 1.2 folds , SOD content in serum by 1.1 folds. In addition, protein and amino acids decomposition could be alleviated reflected by 14%-22% decline in BUN as SMG powders increasing. The decreased accumulation of BLA by 10%-12% in SMG-treated group corresponded well with the down regulation in LDH by 11%-20% in serum. Besides, SMG powders down regulated the pro-inflammatory cytokines levels of IL-1β and IL-6 by 35% and 46% decline compared with Con-S group at the high dosage. The effective anti-fatigue activity of SMG could be associated with high antioxidant-related amino acids contents of 25.76% and branched-chain amino acids contents of 14.61%, promising the development of food administration to increase exercise tolerance.
Audience Take Away:
- SMG powders showed effective anti-fatigue ability in a dose-dependent behavior.
- SMG powders significantly prolonged the exhaustive swimming time in mice.
- SMG powders promoted energy substance production in mice during exhaustive swimming.
- SMG powders decreased BLA accumulation corresponding to decreasing LDH levels.
- SMG alleviated fatigue by regulating oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.Explain how the audience will be able to use what they learn?