HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

Euro Global Conference on
Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics

September 18-20, 2023 | Valencia, Spain

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Early Bird Registration Closes on March 30, 2023

About Euro Proteomics 2023 | Hybrid Event

Magnus Group seeks the honour of your presence at its “Euro Global Conference on Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics” which will be held as In-Person in Valencia, Spain and Virtually during September 18-20, 2023.

The cross-disciplinary congress provides a critical review of the state-of-the-art advancements and discuss the latest breakthroughs, trends and concerns, as well as practical issues and solutions, in the domains of Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics through its theme “Envisioning the Future and Exploring All Facets of Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics”.

The rapid development of technologies and informatics tools for collecting and processing huge biological data sets is causing a paradigm change in how we approach biomedical problems. Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics are the quickly expanding fields that combine methods and knowledge from computer science, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and statistics in study at the crossroads of biological and informational sciences. These new domains will allow us to raise and answer biological issues that have traditionally been recognized too complex to handle, due to the huge amount of biological data created by genome sequencing. Nonetheless, we have organised a premier event to address the concerns and latest trends in the field of proteomics genomics and bioinformatics in the midst of such a revolution in the research paradigm. 

The agenda of EURO PROTEOMICS 2023 is to spread new frontiers in omics and bioinformatics, as well as to showcase high-quality discoveries in a fast-paced world.

This global summit emphasizes on understanding concepts and decision-making in genomics, genetics, proteins, proteomics, bioinformatics, biotechnology, molecular biology, pharmacy, medicine, and academia. This conference intends to give researchers, bioinformaticians, biotechnologists, computational biologists, omics experts, biochemists, scientists, academicians, biostatisticians, research fellows, students and industry key players a better knowledge of these ground-breaking new fields of study. The three-day scientific event will have plenary talks, keynote sessions, symposiums, workshops, oral and poster presentations from eminent personalities in the field of Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Recommended Proteomics Conferences: Proteomics Conference 2023 | Genomics Conference 2023 | Bioinformatics Conference | Proteomics and Genomics Conference

Scientific Sessions

  • Biomarkers
  • Cell Biology and Biochemistry
  • Clinical Proteomics
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Profiling of Proteins
  • Computational Modelling and Data Management
  • Functional Proteomics
  • Genome Annotation
  • Glycoproteomics
  • High-Throughput Protein Structural Studies
  • Human Studies and Tissue Imaging
  • Integration of Multi-Omics Data and Approaches
  • Lipidomics
  • Metabolomics and Metabonomics
  • Non-Conventional and Non-Model Organism Proteomics
  • Phosphoproteomics
  • Plant Proteomics, Microbial and Animal Proteomics


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Scientific Committee Members

Jim Kaput, Speaker at Proteomics Conferences 2022

Jim Kaput

Vydiant, United States
Ru Chen, Speaker at Proteomics Conferences

Ru Chen

Baylor College of Medicine, United States
Jeremy R Everett, Speaker at Euro Proteomics Conference 2022

Jeremy R Everett

University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Marcel Zamocky, Speaker at Proteomics Conferences

Marcel Zamocky

Laboratory for Phylogenomic Ecology, Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Past Conference Information

2nd Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology 2018 Report:

Magnus Group Successfully completed “2nd Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology(GPMB 2018) during September 20-22, 2018 at Rome, Italy.

GPMB 2018 is a combination of scientists, researchers and students in the field of plant science and molecular biology across the globe. The extremely well-known conference hosted by Magnus Group was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing diverse countries around the world.          

For GPMB 2018 Final Program: Click Here

For GPMB 2018 Abstract Book: Click Here

For GPMB 2018 Picture Gallery: Click Here

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

Magnus Group is privileged to thank the Organizing Committee Members and Keynote Speakers for making their contributions in the form of very informative presentations

From Switzerland, University of Bern - Klaus Ammann,

From USA, University of Tennessee - Thomas C Mueller

From USA, The University of Georgia - Ali M. Missaoui

From France, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis - Frendo Pierre

From Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Aiming Wang

From China, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Hong-Wei Xue

From Canada, St. John’s Research and Development Centre - Samir C. Debnath

From China, Fudan University - Zheng Zheng

GPMB 2018 Speaker Line Up:

From United States, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Stevan Knezevic

From USA, Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service - Enrique G. Medrano

From Spain, Lourizan Forest Research Center - Raquel Diaz Vazquez

From Brazil, Western Parana State University - Jose Renato Stangarlin

From Poland, Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Michal Tomasz Kwiatek

From United Kingdom, Swansea University - Nahaa M. Alotaibi

From China, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences-Oil Crops Research Institute (CAAS-OCRI) - Linhai Wang

From Russia, Agricultural Research Center "Donskoy" - Kostylev Pavel

From France, UMR 5096 - CNRS/UPVD - Montacie Charlotte

From Hungary, National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre – Fruitculture Research Institute - Geza Bujdoso

From Morocco, University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) - Youssef EL Kharrassi

From China, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Lin Xu

From China, Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Juan lgnacio Vilchez Morillas

From China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wen-Hui Lin

From France, Agro Innovation International Roullier Saint Malo - Seyed Abdollah Hosseini

From Germany, University of Tubingen - Zentgraf Ulrike

From Poland, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation - Rafal Kukawka

From Italy, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Adriano Stinca

From China, Shandong Agricultural University - Yong Wang

From China, Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University - Tongda Xu

From China, Beijing Milu Ecological Research Center - Yanju Liu

From Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat

From China, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University - Zhao Mingmin

From China, Shenyang Agricultural University - Xiaoxue Wang

From Republic of Korea, Korea University - Soo-Jin Kim

From Australia, Sugar Research Australia Limited - Frederik C. Botha

From Russia, Komarov Botanical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences - Nuria Koteyeva

From France, France Ginseng - Segret Lea

From Russian Federation, Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS - Koksheeva Inna

From Italy, University of Molise - Paola Fortini

From Russia, Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS - Svetlana Nesterova

From Iran, Tehran University - Fardad Didaran

From Egypt, College of Biotechnology, Misr University for Science and Technology - Ahmed Z. Abdel Azeiz

From China, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Hongjie Qin

From South Africa, Cape Peninsula University of technology - Mariska lilly

From India, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati - Latha Rangan

From Egypt, Agricultural Research Center - Sherif Shalatet

From Philippines, University of the Philippines Los Banos - Analinda M. Fajardo

From Pakistan, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab - Arshad Javaid

From China, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Ying-Hong Pan

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

GPMB 2018 Poster Presenters:

From Canada, Carleton University - Tim Xing

From France, University Lille - Francois Sevestre

From Russia, Komarov Botanical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences - Elena Voznesenskaya

From Poland, Adam Mickiewicz University - Robert Lucinski

From Poland, Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences - Halina Wisniewska

From Spain, Universidad politecnica de Valencia - M. Pilar Santamarina

From Brazil, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes

From Israel, Tel Aviv University - Adina Mishal

From Poland, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan - Natalia Wojciechowska

From Brazil, IFGoiano - Luciana Vitorino

From Poland, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute National Research Institute in Poland - Krystyna Rybka

From Bulgaria, AgroBioInstitute - Miglena Revalska

From Poland, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - NRI - Tomasz Goral

From Czech Republic, Palacky University - Andrej Pavlovic

From Greece, Agricultural University of Athens - Panayiotis Trigas

From Poland, Adam Mickiewicz University - Malgorzata Adamiec

From Brazil, IFGoiano - Layara Bessa

From Germany, The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) - Seyedeh Sara Naseri Rad

From Poland, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute -National Research Institute in Poland - Patrycja Siedlarz

From Lithuania, Kaunas University of Technology - Antanas Sarkinas

From Romania, Babes-Bolyai University - Costel Sarbu

From Chile, Universidad de Talca - Jose Antonio Madrid Espinoza

From Poland, University of Warmia and Mazury - Bozena Kordan

From Poland, University of Zielona Gora - Beata Gabrys

From China, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Xu Zhaolong

From Poland, Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences - Ewa Kalemba

From Chile, Universidad Autonoma de Chile - Adriana Bastias

From Czech Republic, Palacky University - Hlouskova Petra

From Brazil, Embrapa Florestas - Ananda Virginia de Aguiar

From Poland, University of Lodz - Przemyslaw Bernat

From Brazil, Universidade Federal do ABC - Bruno Lemos Batista

From Canada, University of Guelph - Ross N. Nazar

From Canada, University of Guelph - Jane Robb

From Mexico, Instituto Politecnico Nacional - Jaime Ruiz-Vega

From Chile, Universidad Católica de Temuco - Ricardo Tighe Neira

From France, University of Corsica - Sophie Vincenti

From South Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal - Yougasphree Naidoo

From France, University of Corsica Pascal Paoli - Lourkisti Radia

From China, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Hua Wang

From France, University of Corsica - Magali Mariani

From China, Institute of Vegetable Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Wang Shubin

From China, Institute of Vegetable Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Zhuang Yong

From South Africa, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoobij - Gugu Mabizela

From Chile, Universidad Catolica de Temuco - Claudio Inostroza-Blancheteau

From China, Nanjing Agricultural University College of Horticulture - Ji Li

From China, Nanjing Agricultural University College of Horticulture - JinFeng Chen

From Korea, Konkuk University - Eun-Hye Kim

From Korea, Seoul National University - Jong-Joo Cheong

From Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology - Nisreen A. AL-Quraan

From Korea, Republic of, Seoul National University/Inbiofarm Co., Ltd - Yu Jeong Jeong

From China, Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Acdamy of Agricultural Sciences - Ting Zhou

From China, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Liqiang Wan

From Korea Republic of, Seoul National University - Nam-Chon Paek

From China, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Minhuan Zeng

From Pakistan, Institute of Agricultural Sciences - Muhammad Ashfaq

From Korea, Republic of, National Institute of Crop Science - Woonha Hwang

From Korea, Republic of, National Institute of Crop Science - Bong Choon Lee

From Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology - Nezar H. Samarah

From Brazil, Universidade Do Oeste Paulista - Inae Braga Reis

From Korea, Republic of, Seoul National University - Yejin Shim

From China, Fudan University - Tang Zheren

From Brazil, UNOESTE - Adriana Lima Moro

From Korea, Republic of, Kyungpook National University - Sang-Uk, Lee

Magnus Group would like to express a great appreciation to all the participants for their contribution towards the conference, which facilitated us for the successful accomplishment of this event.

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences


For Magnus Group Conferences Reviews:

Magnus Group Proteomics Conferences Reviews | Magnus Conferences Reviews

Details of upcoming Proteomics Conferences :

Conference Name Place Date
Proteomics Conference 2020 Paris, France October 01-02, 2020

Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology Report:

Magnus Group takes a great pride in declaring the “Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology” (FAT 2018)  which was held in Rome, Italy, during September 20-22, 2018

FAT 2018 witnessed an amalgamation of outstanding speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the field of food Science and Agronomy. The extremely well-known conference hosted by Magnus Group was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing diverse countries around the world.

For FAT-2018 Final ProgramClick Here

For FAT-2018 Abstract book: Click Here

For FAT-2018 GalleryClick Here

The theme of the conference is “Current Trends and Future Perspectives in the Food Sector: From Novel Concepts to Industrial Applications”. The meeting captivated a vicinity of utilitarian discussions on novel subjects like Food Science and Technology, Food Safety, Security and QC, Food and Nutrition Research, Molecular Food and Nutrition and Agronomy and Agricultural Research, to mention a few. The three days event implanted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Food Science and Agronomy with the scientific community. The conceptual and pertinent knowledge shared, will correspondingly foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

Magnus Group is privileged to thank the Organizing Committee Members and Keynote Speakers for making their contributions in the form of very informative presentation.

From USA, Davidson Consultants - Michael Davidson

From USA, St. Philip’s College - Solomon Nfor

From Germany, Technical University of Munich - Thomas Goudoulas

From India, Mahatma Basweshwar College, K.G. Dande

The Organizing Committee would like to thank the moderators Emerson Fachini Universyt of Rio Preto (UNIRP), Brazil and Marta Helena Fernandes Henriques, Polytechnic of Coimbra, Portugal for their contributions which ensured in smooth functioning of the conference.

The conference was boarded with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum.

The highlights of the conference were the keynote forum by prominent speakers Michael Davidson, Davidson Consultants, USA, Thomas Goudoulas, Technical University of Munich, Germany, Solomon Nfor, St. Philip’s College, USA, Kiran G. Dande, Mahatma Basweshwar College, India gave their fruitful contributions in the form of very informative presentations and made the conference a top notch one.

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

FAT-2018 Speaker Line up:

From Portugal, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária - Maria do Carmo Martins Serrano

From Brazil, Universyt of Rio Preto (UNIRP) - Emerson Fachini

From Australia, Melbourne Polytechnic and CSIRO - Nicola Cooley

From Italy, University of Padua - Luciano Butti

From Germany, SGF International e.V - Markus Jungen

From Croatia, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health - Davor Zeljezic

From Indonesia, Assesment Institute for Agriculture Technology of North Maluku - Wawan Sulistiono

From Republic of Korea, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology - Do-Kyeong Ko

From Serbia, Educons University - Danka Radic

From India, Banaras Hindu University - Surendra Singh

From Mozambique, School of Marine and Coastal Sciences Eduardo Mondlane University - Manecas Francisco Baloi

From Mexico, Amway Corporation - Anacleto Sosa Baldivia

From Indonesia, Indonesia Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI) - Agustina Asri Rahmianna

From P.R.China, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Cao Hong-Xin

From Indonesia, Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI) - Erliana Ginting

From Chile, Agriaquaculture Nutritional Genomic Center (CGNA) - Cesar Burgos-Diaz

From Portugal, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu - Fernando Jorge Andrade Goncalves

From Malaysia, UCSI University - Nyam Kar Lin

From Portugal, Polytechnic of Coimbra - Marta Helena Fernandes Henriques

From Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu - Mohamad Khairi Zainol

From Tunisia, High Institute of Food Industries - Rezig Leila

From Turkey, Akdeniz University - Firuze Ergin

From Japan, Rakuno Gakuen University - Isamu Kaneda

From Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu - Zamzahaila Mohd Zin

From Indonesia, Indonesia Forestry Institute - Stalis Norma Ethica

From Republic of Korea, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences - Hyun-bok Kim

From Turkey, University of Gaziantep - Hatice Pekmez

From Jamaica, University of the West Indies - Andrea Goldson Barnaby

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

FAT-2018 Poster Presenters:

From Poland, Poznan University of Life Science - Renata Zawirska-Wojtasiak

From Chile, Agriaquaculture Nutritional Genomic Center (CGNA) - Cesar Burgos-Diaz

From Spain, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) - Gema Paniagua Gonzalez

From Brazil, University of Campinas - Juliane Vigano

From Portugal, University of Algarve - Sandra Goncalves

From Mexico, Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Hervey Rodriguez Gonzalez

From Philippines, Quality and Safety Inspector at Cebu Pacific Air - Claire Pike Balubal

From Republic of Korea, Korea Institute of Toxicology - Joung-Wook Seo

From Poland, Poznan University of Life Sciences - Sylwia Mildner-Szkudlarz

From Brazil, University of Campinas - Guilherme de Figueiredo Furtado

From Spain, Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC) - Leocadio Alonso Lopez

From Portugal, University of Algarve - Raquel Rodriguez Solana

From Brazil, University of Brasilia - Eduardo Antonio Ferreira

From Spain, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - Efren Perez Santin

From Croatia, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek - Lidija Jakobek

From Brazil, University of Brasilia - Eliana Fortes Gris

From Spain, University of Murcia - Jose Manuel Lopez-Nicolas

From Republic of Korea, GyeongGi Province Institute of Health and Environment - Hyang-Ri Kang

From Republic of Korea, Jeju Technopark (JTP) - Seon-A Yoon

From Republic of Korea, GyeonGgi Province Institute of Health and Environment - Shin-Hye, Kwak

From Turkey, Avrasya University - Ulgen Ilknur Konak

From Republic of Korea, Jeju Technopark (JTP) - Young-Min Ham

From Republic of Korea, Konkuk University - Yon-Suk Kim

From Republic of Korea, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety - Mi-Ran Jang

From Poland, Poznan University of Life Science - Elzbieta Wojtowicz

From P.R.China, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Ge Dao-Kuo

We congratulate the best poster award winners Cesar Burgos-Diaz and Efren Perez Santin. We would also like to thank Markus Jungen, SGF International e.V, Germany and Davor Zeljezic, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Croatia, who supported us by evaluating the posters.

Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology would not have been successful if it has not been supported by intercontinental, multi-professional steering committee.

 We once again thank all the participants for their wonderful participation towards the event which helped us for effective accomplishment of this event.

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

For Magnus Group Conferences Reviews:

Magnus Group Proteomics Conferences Reviews | Magnus Conferences Reviews

3rd Global Congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology (GPB 2019)

Magnus Group successfully completed “3rd Global congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology (GPB 2019)” during March 11-13, 2019 in Singapore, based on the theme of To Disseminate the Research and Advancements in Plant Biology and Biotechnology.

GPB 2019 witnessed an amalgamation of outstanding speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the field of Plant Biology and Biotechnology. The extremely well-known conference hosted by Magnus Group was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing diverse countries around the world.

For GPB 2019 Final Program: Click Here

For GPB 2019 Gallery: Click Here

For GPB 2019 Book of Abstracts: Click Here

Magnus Group takes an immense pleasure to convey the Organizing Committee Members and Keynote Speakers for making their contributions in the form of very informative presentation and for their inspiration

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

From USA, University of Georgia - Jeffrey Bennetzen

From USA, University of Illinois - Mohammad Babadoost

From USA, Washington State University - Hanjo Hellmann

From USA, USDA-ARS and Oklahoma State University - Yinghua Huang

From Germany, University of Gottingen - Petr Karlovsky

From Belgium, VIB-Ghent University - Geert De Jaeger

From Serbia, University of Novi Sad - Dragutin T. Mihailovic

From Spain, IMIDA & ITUM - Manuel Tornel Martinez

From India, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Sankaranarayanan Sadasivam

Day 1 Speakers

From USA, University of Georgia - Jeff Bennetzen

From USA, University of Illinois - Mohammad Babadoost

From USA, Washington State University - Hanjo Hellmann

From USA, KWS Gateway Research Center - Massimo Bosacchi

From Costa Rica, The University of Costa Rica - Marta Valdez-Melara

From USA, Florida International University - Joel T. Heinen

From Canada, McGill University - Sowmyalakshmi Subramanian

From France, CEA - Pierre Chagvardieff

From Russia, Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research - Nickolai Shadrin

From Argentina, National University of Santiago del Estero - Sandra Josefina Bravo

From India, University of Agricultural Sciences - Basavaraja P K

From Lithuania, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry - Giedre Samuoliene

From Czech Republic, Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd - Jiri Sedlak

From Japan, Himeji University - Haruhiko Murase

From India, University of Agricultural Sciences - Mudalagiriyappa

From China, Sun Yat-sen University - Tian Tang

From India, Delhi Technological University - Arpita Roy

From India, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development - Khashti Dasila

From China, Chongqing University - Wei Deng

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

Day 2 Speakers

From Serbia, University of Novi Sad - Dragutin T. Mihailovic

From Belgium, Center for Plant Systems Biology, VIB-Ghent University - Geert De Jaeger

From Germany, University of Goettingen - Petr Karlovsky

From USA, Youngstown State University - Xiangjia Jack Min

From France, INRA - Steinbach Delphine

From Singapore, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University - He Jie

From Colombio, AGROSAVIA - Andres J.Cortes

From Singapore, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University - Lai Cheng Hsiang

From United Arab Emirates, Zayed University Abu Dhabi - Muhammad Naseem

From Poland, Forest Research Institute - Izabela Sondej

From India, University of Agricultural Sciences - Basavaraju P K

From India, National Institute of Plant Genome Research - Renu Kumari

From Turkey, Mugla Sitki Kocman University - Ergun Kaya

From China, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan - Jian Gao

From China, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Ting Wang

Poster Presenters

From USA, Oklahoma State University - Ellie Nguyen

From Denmark, University of Copenhagen - Christian Andreasen

From Denmark, University of Copenhagen - Zahra Bitarafan

From Russia, Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture - Oksana Lastochkina

From Poland, UTP University of Science and Technology - Dariusz Piesik

From Poland, UTP University of Science and Technology - Anna Wenda Piesik

From Poland, National Research Institute - Jaroslaw Przetakiewicz

From Poland, University of Warsaw - Aleksandra Weremczuk

From Ukraine, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University - Chebotar Sabina

From China, International center for Bamboo and Rattan - Juan Li

From Russia, Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research - Elena Anufriieva

From Czech Republic, Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd - Frantisek Paprstein

From Republic of Korea, Seoul National University - Hee Jong Koh

From India, Indian Institute of Technology - Ishita Paul

From Korea, Chonnam National University - Hyun-Gyu Lim

From India, CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute - Dipali Srivastava

From Korea, Chonnam National University - Su Jung Park

From India, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development - Ashish Dhyani

From India, University of Calcutta - Prakash Chandra Gorain

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

Day 3 Speakers

From USA, USDA-ARS and Oklahoma State University - Yinghua Huang

From Spain, IMIDA & ITUM - Manuel Tornel Martinez

From India, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Sadasivam Sankaranarayanan

From Mexico, Centro de Investigacion Cienfica de Yucatan - Enrique Castano de la Serna

From Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University - Nadezhda Verkhovtseva

From Poland, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas - Szymon Rusinowski

From South Africa, University of Johannesburg - Ian Dubery

From India, Vasumitra Life Energies Pvt. Ltd - Hemangee Abhay Jambhekar

From India, University of Calcutta - Ruma Pal

From India, Pachaiyappas College - N Shanthi

From India, University of Calcutta - Iman Dey

From India, University of Calcutta - Sreemanti Banerjee

From China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Kexuan Tang

From India, University of Calcutta - Rahul Bose

From Russia, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Sergey A. Kornatskiy

From Malaysia, FGV R&D Sdn. Bhd. - Ahmad Radhzlan Rosli

We congratulate the best poster award winners:

Ellie Nguyen, Oklahoma State University, USA

Hee Jong Koh, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Magnus Group extends its sincere gratitude to all the participations for your involvement and sharing your findings and opinions at this event which helped us for successful accomplishment of this event.

Recommended Proteomics Conference 2020: Genomics Conference 2020, Bioinformatics Conference 2020, Proteomics and Genomics Conferences

For Magnus Group Conferences Reviews:

Magnus Group Proteomics Conferences Reviews | Magnus Conferences Reviews

Conference Schedule




Opening Ceremony and Introduction


Keynote Session I


Refreshment Break


Keynote Session II




Break Out Session I


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session II


Keynote Session III


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session III



13:30 15:00

Poster Presentations


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session IV


Keynote Session IV


Refreshment Break


Break Out Session V



13:30 15:00

Break Out Session VI


End Note Session and Closing Ceremony

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Please feel free to contact us for any information, all the queries will be answered by the conference secretariat within 24 hrs.

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