Dr. Itziar Gonzalez studied Physics and developed her Doctoral Thesis at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain and received her PhD degree in 1998. She then joined the research group of High Power Ultrasounds at the Institute of Acoustics of the National Research Council of Spain CSIC. Since then, she has open new research transdisciplinar lines, leading different bio and technological disciplines. She has coordinated more than 6 national and international research projects published more than 30 papers and currently she is Deputy Director of the Institute of Prof. James at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IGIC-BAS). She received her PhD degree in 2004 at the same institution. After one year postdoctoral fellowship supervised by Dr Williams at the Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory, France she obtained the position of an Associate Professor at the IGIC. She has published more than 70 research articles in SCI (E) journals.
Title : Tumor cell microspheroids induced by non-contact mechanical forces