Title: Cell and gene therapies in models of vascular brain disorders
Title: 30,000 nano implants in humans with no infections, no loosening, and no failures
Title: 3D Bio printed cardiovascular tissue model for space based applications
Title: Induction and characterization of human tip-specific endothelial cells
Title: Bioprinted cell gradients to analyze nanoparticle uptake variability
Title: Cellular and molecular profiling of critical bone fractures in axolotl
Title: Tumor cell microspheroids induced by non-contact mechanical forces
Title: Regeneration of the eye via ultrathin PDLLA-based nanofibrous membranes
Title: Potential of articular cartilage resident progenitor in the field of cartilage regeneration
Title: A novel technique for decellularization of human esophagus for 3D bioprinting
Title: Inflammation and the osteogenesis ability of mesenchymal stem cells the effect of natural compounds
Title: Advanced roll porous scaffold 3D bioprinting technology