HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

11th Edition of International Conference on
Dental Innovations and Technologies

March 02-04, 2026 | Singapore
Dental 2023

The use of buccal free fat tissue graft to enhance primary soft tissue closure during socket preservation and ridge contour improvement at the extraction sites

Fares Kablan, Speaker at CE Accredited Dental Conferences
Galilee Medical Center, Israel
Title : The use of buccal free fat tissue graft to enhance primary soft tissue closure during socket preservation and ridge contour improvement at the extraction sites


Objectives: The aim of this presentation to share a  new technique utilizing the buccal free fat tissue graft (BFFG) harvested from the buccal fat pad (BFP) for socket preservation, allowing primary closure and socket seal at the extraction site.

Materials and Methods: Twelve patients (9 women, 3 men; mean age 37) with 28 extraction sites were treated using BFFG for socket preservation and followed-up over 12-60 months post operatively. Ten patients received 22 implants in 25 treated sockets, and 2 patients were treated by conventional fixed partial denture over 3 treated sockets. BFFG was placed covering different bone grafting material in fresh extraction sockets without the use of membrane. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically at 2, 4weeks, 2- and 4-months post operatively. At 4 months computed tomography was performed to evaluate soft and osseous tissues dimensions of the treated sites. Implant placement was performed 4-5 months post operatively.

Results: Following BFFG grafting, healing was uneventful, with minimal morbidity. Follow- up revealed that socket volume was preserved when compared to the original dimension prior extraction. Soft tissue healing showed perfect color match with the surrounding tissue.

Conclusions: Harvesting of BFFG from BFP is a simple procedure with minor complications that might be used to enhance primary soft tissue closure of an extraction site. This technique allows improvement and maintaining long-term ridge contour and soft tissue thickness, and blends in the neighboring attached gingiva.


Dr.Kablan was born and raised in Israel. He completed his D.M.D. at Tel Aviv University and then went on to study his M.D at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He completed his Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Program at the Maxillofacial Department Poria Hospital, where he resided as a Senior Consultant at the department until 2017. After that, He moved to work at the Galilee Medical Center. Dr.Kablan's current clinical practice in the office is focused on Nerve transposition, Anodontia-associated syndromes, facial esthetics, implant and bone grafting surgery, Orthognathic and corrective jaws surgery, Trauma and TMJ surgery. Dr.Kablan developed new methods and techniques on hard and soft tissue grafting that were introduced as clinical innovations at the academy of Osseointegration in the US. Dr.Kablan the first oral surgeon to describe and use the free fat tissue from the Buccal Fat Pad in the oral cavity. Currently, Dr.Fares Kablan (D.M.D.) is the Deputy Head of The Galilee College of Dental Sciences in the Galilee Medical Center. In 2021 Dr.Kablan was chosen by the Global Summits Institute as one of the best 100 doctors in the world.
