Title: Blood & its products as regenerative agents in Dentistry
Title: Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Title: Sirtuin6 activation ameliorates ligature-induced periodontitis in mice
Title: The management of Mucogingival conditions (Gingival recession)
Title: Orthodontic treatment with Damon Ultima, is it a new treatment method?
Title: Efficient solutions to reduce invasiveness of dental care
Title: Research and clinical applications in Restorative Dentistry
Title: Holistic approach to TMJ treatment in Team: dentist, physical therapist, speech therapist
Title: Impact of anti-resorptive therapy on oral rehabilitation with dental implants
Title: Biocompatibility of calcium silicate-based root canal sealers
Title: Riboflavin mediated photo-illumination for bonding zirconia to tooth structure
Title: Use of fresh frozen cadavers for training and development of Surgical techniques
Title: Orthodontic extrusion and vertical alveolar ridge augmentation: A case report step by step
Title: Resection of submandibular angiolipoma associated with a patient with Von Recklinghausens disease
Title: Fibrous hyperplasia caused by maxillary sinus decompression device
Title: Excisions of 4 unerupted canines in the mentonian region of the mandible kisses teeth
Title: Should smear layer be kept or removed from root canal?
Title: Impact of internet addiction on academic performance of dental students of Bhubaneswar, India
Title: Evidence based management of oral manifestations in COVID-19
Title: Software computer - assisted dynamic navigation, the road map for implant placement
Title: Dentinal collagen stabilization- key to successful composite restorations
Title: Beyond Orthodontics: Innovations in recreating aesthetic smile
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