HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of International Conference on
Dentistry and Oral Health

March 13-15, 2025 | Rome, Italy
Dental 2024

Maya Agarwala

Maya Agarwala, Speaker at Dental conferences
Leeds Dental Institute, United Kingdom
Title : A service evaluation to assess the compliance of retainer review appointments at Leeds Dental Institute


Aims and objectives:

  1. Assess the level of compliance among orthodontic patients at Leeds Dental Institute in bringing their retainers to their retainer review appointments
  2. Identify any common reasons for non-compliance
  3. Implement a quality improvement initiative to enhance patient compliance

Method: A data collection form was created and the following data was collected from a sample of 25 consecutive retainer review appointments:

  1. Type of retainer and if wearing upper and lower
  2. Did the patient bring their retainer to the appointment today (Y/N)
  3. Reason given for not bringing retainer if applicable
  4. Wear regime for the patient: Does the patient wear their retainer full time or part time, or alternate night wear

Results :Cycle 1 (September 2023): Of the 25 patients with retainer review appointments sampled, 11 patients (44%) failed to bring their retainers to their appointment, which fell below the standard. Of these 25 patients, 4 had both Hawley and Essix retainers, of which 3 patients (75%) forgot one type of their retainer. Common reasons for not bringing retainers included not being aware to bring and forgot. 

Cycle 2 (November 2023): Of the 25 patients with retainer review appointments sampled, 3 patients (12%) failed to bring their retainers to their appointment, falling below the standard, however is compared favourably to cycle 1.Of these appointments where the retainers were not brought, the retainers were more likely to be brought if being worn full time and forgetting them was the most common reason for not having them at the appointment.

Conclusion: Although the gold standard was not reached there was significant improvement in patient compliance for bringing their retainers from 56% to 88%. This represents an improvement in patient care as retainer problems can be detected and resolved and helps to reduce the need for further appointments.

Audience Take Away:


  • The importance for patients to attend such appointments
  • Potential risks for patients if they don’t attend
  • Ways to ensure patients do attend their appointments
  • Allows for improvements to be made within the service and better patient outcomes which can be replicated elsewhere in other hospitals/practices to ensure the best outcome for patients


Dr Maya Agarwala completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree from King’s College London. She has worked as a dental core trainee in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral surgery and restorative departments in London and Leeds. She has a passion for orthodontics and is focused on furthering this through postgraduate training.
