Title : Panorama on the use of attachments in combined prosthesis and complete supra-radicular prosthesis
The awareness and demand for quality of dental treatment is relatively increasing in recent generation. Various options available for the replacement of partially missing teeth are over dentures, clasp retained removable partial dentures, removable partial dentures with precision attachments and implants. A denture with a retained attachment system is one of the treatment modalities which may assist prosthodontist to achieve better functions and aesthetics in substituting missing teeth and oral structures. An attachment is a connector consisting of two or more components. One component is connected to a tooth, tooth root, or an implant and the other component is connected to a prosthesis. Precision attachments, allow prosthesis to combine the advantages of fixed and removable restorations. In this work, we will present a series of clinical cases treated by combined prosthesis and complete supra-radicular prosthesis, which emphasizes the contribution of attachments, the criteria of choice and the imperatives of use.