Title : The decorated spin ladder systems: peculiarities of the energy spectrum and magnetization profile
Over the past few decades the one-dimensional mixed-spin lattice models like spin chains and spin ladders have attracted big interest due to numerous advances in targeted design of nanostructured magnetic materials [1-2]
In this work we studied analytically and numerically the energy spectrum and magnetic properties of the mixed spin-system formed by three-spin unit cells. This system can be considered as the two-leg spin 1/2 ladder model with additional spins inside the ladder rungs (decorated spin ladder model). For the model with dominant spin coupling in ladder rungs the detailed analysis of the energy spectrum is given on the base of perturbation theory. It is shown, that despite the singlet ground state, the above spin ladder may have intermediate plateau in low-temperature magnetization profile. The existence of similar plateau was shown also in the case of some intermediate values of coupling parameters by means of exact diagonalization study of small ladder clusters and by the density-matrix renormalization group calculations [3]. We also found, that the Ising type of interactions in ladder rungs may leads to the disappearance of the above intermediate magnetization plateau for the corresponding isotropic spin ladder.
Audience take Away Notes:
- It is shown, that the theoretical approach based on spin formalism of valence bond method of quantum chemistry is of interest for the explanation of the relationship between chemical structure and magnetic properties of nanomaterials
- The results of above study will be useful for targeted design of the new magnetic materials on the base of transition metal complexes for needs of molecular spintronics
- In particular, sensitivity of the low-temperature magnetization profile of the proposed model nanomagnets to the chemical surrounding can be used for the design of new chemosencors