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9th Edition of

International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering

March 05-07, 2026 | Singapore

Materials 2025

Role of d electrons in multifunctional materials

Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2025 - Sujit Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India
Title : Role of d electrons in multifunctional materials


Multifunctional materials are of today’s quest. Miniaturization, i.e. development of these materials in the form of nanomaterials is of primary need considering their application in devices. Moreover, if these are obtained in nanostructured form, they can bring wonders.

Recently, a we have adopted for developing multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) with simultaneous antiferromagnetic, ferroelectric & ferroelastic behaviour in form of nanostructures like nanorods, nanowire etc. by employing Anodised Alumina (AAO) template with various pore sizes from 20nm with solution route followed by controlled vacuum filtration and sintering. Diameters of nanorods are in the range of 20-100 nm as observed by FESEM. Capacitance assayed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and charge discharge processes reveals a very high value of specific capacitance of 450F/gm. Capacitance has been estimated by extrapolating the charge collected at the electrode to that at scanning rate of infinity which is relevant for the charge collected at the nanorods protruding out of the template. Charging and discharging times are quite constant over a large number of cycles. This large value of specific capacitance can be attributed to the nanostructure form of BFO nanorod. The high value of specific capacitance of BFO nanorods brings forth its use as electrode in storage energy devices. Also, a high value of polarization as well as a significant magnetic susceptibility are observed in multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite (BFO) in the form of nanorods protruding out. The high values of polarization and magnetic susceptibility are attributed to the structured form of BFO nanorods giving rise to the directionality. There is no leakage current in P-E loop examined at various fields and frequencies. Magnetocapacitance measurements reflect a significant enhancement in magnetoelectric coupling also.

We have also developed a variety of conducting polymer (like PANI, PEDOT etc.) and graphene based nanocomposites with a large value of specific capacitance for use as energy storage device. Low energy ion source available at VECC is a useful tool to develop various nanostructures like nanoripples, nanopillars etc. Some novel nanopillars of Ni have been developed using low energy ion beam irradiation.


Dr. Sujit Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Emeritus Fellow, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology (from 2017 to 2020) and Institute of Engineering and Management (2020-2021). Ex-Head, Material Science Studies Division, Scientific Officer (H)+ and Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. (Retired on Superannuation on 30th September, 2015).

Academic and Professional Background: 1978: Joined Chemical Engg. Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre as Scientific Officer. 1982: Joined Variable Energy Cyclotrn Centre, as Scientific Officer. 1998: PhD (Physics) from Jadavpur University. Title of Thesis: "Charged Particle Irradiation Studies on Copper Oxide Superconductors".

Post Doctoral fellow: Atomic Institute of Austrian Universities, Vienna, 2000, in the field of Magnetisation studies of neutron irradiated HTSC superconductor single crystals. Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, deemed University since 2009.

Awards: 1. National Science Talent Search (NSTS) Scholarship, 1971.
               2. National Scholarship, Government of India, 1971.
               3. A P J Abdul Kalam award for utstanding research.

Current Areas of Interest: Multifunctional Materials in Nanostructured form and their application as energy storage material. A). Capacitance Studies on Multifunctional nanostructured materials with respect to their application as energy storage device.

Publications: Journal papers & Articles in books: 86. Proceedings in National & International Conferences: 66. Author of e-book Charged Particle Irradiation Studies on Bismuth Based High Temperature Superconductors & MgB2; A Comparative Survey. Regular Reviewer in Science Direct journals like Materials Chemistry & Physics, Jl. Of alloys and compounds and Jl. Of Solid State Chemistry. Reviewer of Ph.D. Theses of various universities like Burdwan University, Tejpur University etc. Registered Guide for a) Jadavpur University and b) HBNI.
