Dr. Govind Gupta is Senior Principal Scientist & Head, Sensor Devices & Metrology Group, CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India and Professor, Academy for Scientific & Industrial Research. His core area of expertise is growth of III-Nitrides, metal-oxide and TMDCs, fabrication of smart optical & gas sensors, etc. He has published ~270 research articles in SCI journals. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), UK, Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (FIETE), Senior Member- IEEE, USA and Associate Academician-APAM. He has received numerous awards & fellowships including MRSI medal, Young Scientist Medal-National Academy of Sciences, India, BOYSCAST fellowship, etc.
Title : Fabrication of detectors based on semiconductor heterostructures for optical communication