Hui Li is a professor at Northeastern University, China. He has published more than more than 70 research articles in SCI/ EI journals and 60 Chinese invention patents, including 45 top-level SCI papers in Compos Sci Technol, Compos. B. Eng, Mech Syst Signal Process, Nonlinear Dyn., etc. He once was a vibration engineer in Shenyang Machine Tool Co, Ltd, a postdoctoral fellow at Shenyang Engine Research Institute, and a visiting scholar at Liverpool University in the UK and Hanyang University in South Korea. His research interest includes nonlinear vibration, vibration and impact modeling, dynamic thermal evaluation of porous, hybrid and multifunctional composite materials and structures.
Title : Analytic modeling and analysis of impact characteristics of composite cylindrical shells with an auxetic honeycomb core subjected to high velocity internal projectile impact
Title : Vibration and damping study of multifunctional grille composite sandwich plates with an IMAS design approach