Title : Designing & developing the next generation wound management STARS therapy
The Wound management over 4000 years have been skillfully developing for providing effective care. These Interventions include Medical care; Local Care of wounds and Surgical Care. With the advent of regenerative Medicine a new dimension of health care is evolving with immense opportunity and hope for complex problems like wounds. We through this study designed, developed and pilot tested a novel concept of “Regenerative Care” through Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as the mono therapy. This is through the New protocol developed by the author – Sandeep’s Technique for Assisted Regeneration of Skin; STARS therapy, based on triggering and assisting the skin regenerations in wounds from the skin margins.
Methods: This is a prospective clinical study developing and testing the concept of “Regenerative Care” in wound management. At our Centre, we have developed and standardized PRP Intervention through “STARS therapy (Sandeep’s technique for assisted regeneration of skin) for wound management”. In this study, we present the results in 350 consecutive wounds, between 2011 to 2019. It includes all types wounds - acute wounds associated with massive tissue losses, infections, necrosis and chronic non-healing including diabetic ulcers, bed sores.
Results: The results reveal a complete healing (97.4%) with filling up of defects; excellent control of infection (98%), and good pain control (82% less than 3/10 VAS). The average healing rate was 1.2mm /day. There were no major complications / adverse events observed. Reversal and revival of necrosis and devitalized tissues such as skins, tendons, muscles and bones was achieved towards very effective clinical outcome.
Conclusions: A new dimension of health care for wound management is evolved. This Regenerative Care is propagated through a mono therapy with PRP ; assisting the skin regenerations in wounds through “STARS therapy”. A Game Changer solution is built for wound management based on 21st Century advances.