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Marte Gutierrez, Speaker at Climate Conference 2022
University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (UTC-UTI), United States
Title : Computer simulation of the offshore CO2 geological sequestration in smeaheia, Norway


Anthropogenic CO2 release in the atmosphere comes from the use of fossil fuels that are extracted from deep underground reservoirs. Thus, it is natural to consider capturing and bringing CO2 as the by-product of burning fossil fuels, back where they came from - in deep geo-sequestration reservoirs, particularly existing or abandoned oil and gas fields, and saline aquifers. This is the essence of CO2 Geo-Sequestration (or CO2 GS). This paper presents the results of the computer modeling of the two-fluid phase fluid flow and geomechanics of CO2 injection and storage in the Smeaheia, Norway, CO2 Geological Sequestration (GS) Project. The modeling aims to predict the effects of immiscible two-phase fluid flow involving saline water and supercritical CO2 on the injectivity, flow, transport, and storability of CO2 in the reservoir rocks in the Smeaheia field. The main emphasis of the modeling is to determine potential leakages through the caprocks above the storage reservoir and the Vette Fault, which bounds the reservoir laterally, due to induced stress and pore pressure changes. A 2D (two-dimensional) cross-section of the field based on geological and seismic studies was built and modeled using the Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) computer code. Overall, the simulation showed the viability of injecting and storing the CO2 in the reservoir. The modelling predicted that the Vette fault system and the caprock can provide CO2 sealing and potential barriers to prevent leakage of the sequestered CO2.

Audience Take Away 

  • Audience will learn about the fundamentals of CO2 GS.
  • Audience will learn about the role of computer simulation to determine the viability of injection and storage in potential CO2 GS reservoirs.
  • The presentation will provide participants with enhanced knowledge that will be helpful in finding opportunities for employment, research, and training in the fast-growing and evolving field of CO2 GS.


Dr. Marte Gutierrez is the James R. Paden Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado School of Mines. He has held visiting professorships in China, Chile, France, Japan, Norway, South Korea, and UAE.  He has published more than 350 publications. He is a member of the Editorial Board of six International Journals and is the recipient of the Geotechnical Research Medal from UK’s Institute of Civil Engineers, and the Rock Mechanics Research Award and the Applied Rock Mechanics Research Award both from the American Rock Mechanics Association. Dr. Gutierrez’s main research interests are in Geomechanics, and Energy and Environmental Sustainability.
