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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Maria Angelica Mejia Caceres, Speaker at Climate Change
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title : Exploring Teachers' needs and knowledge gaps in climate change education


This presentation delves into the motivations and expectations of teachers regarding climate change education (CCE), while also highlighting their knowledge gaps in this area. By analyzing teachers' textual responses, the study identifies the topics that interest teachers, such as environmental education, politics, and pedagogy. The study uses Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs to categorize teachers' expectations according to different learning levels, finding that teachers want to enhance their knowledge of CCE, acquire cognitive competencies, and develop skills to apply teaching strategies based on pedagogic and environmental ethics.

The study also reveal the misconceptions and confusion that some teachers have about CCE. For example, some teachers mistakenly equated climate and weather, and others struggled to comprehend atmospheric pressure, climate factors, and elements contributing to CC. Nevertheless, some correctly identified phenomena associated with CC, such as cold waves, coral bleaching, and sea level rise.

These findings underscore the need for improved CCE for teachers, which could help address the complex and multifaceted issues surrounding climate change. Investing in continuous teacher education in CCE can equip teachers with the knowledge, competencies, and skills to create solutions, build networks, and share experiences related to CCE, thereby contributing to mitigating the global issue of climate change.



Maria Angelica Mejia-Cáceres is doctor in Science and Health Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was a visiting research student in The Sustainability Education Research Institution (SERI) at University of Saskatchewan, Canada. She has a Master’s in Education with emphasis teaching science at the University del Valle, a specialization in Social Management of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, in Cali, Colombia. 
Her research focuses on critical environmental education, climate change education, teacher education, educational policy analysis, and critical discourse analysis. Since last year, she has been working as a technical advisor for the climate change education program of the Niterói Climate Secretary. At the same time, she is a researcher in the research groups Languages and Mediations in Science and Health Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is also a member of the Science, Education and Diversity research group and the Science, Actions and Health research group at the Universidad del Valle in Colombia.
She has different publications about environmental education and teacher education. She is podcaster in Environment and Everyday Life in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 
