Title : Treatment of Domestic Wastewater Using a Novel Compact Unit
The aim of this work is to examine the new design of a compact unit. The compact unit consists of three consecutive treatment steps. The primary treatment step is vertical settler (VS) followed by the self-aerated chamber (SAC) (secondary treatment). The dimensions of the compact unit are 1*2*2 m for length, width, and height, respectively. The dimension of the vertical settler is 1.25*1*2 m for length, width, and height, respectively. The detention time (DT) was kept constant at 5 hr in the vertical settler chamber. The compact unit was packed with a non-woven fabric material produced from waste plastic bottles. The influent organic concentrations expressed by chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD) were 367.7 and 254.7 mg/L, respectively. The organic concentrations (COD and BOD) in the final treated effluent were reduced by 78.8 and 80.5% to 36.7 and 16.6 mg/L, respectively. With the exception of fecal coliform (FC), the final treated effluent is complying with the National Regulatory Standards. The area required for this unit is only 2 m2. This makes such a compact unit attractive to apply in rural and unserved areas in developing countries.
Audience take away:
- The audience will be able to deal with the dangers of the discharge of untreated wastewater.
- Attendees will be able to understand the role of integrated treatment plants for development in rural and unserved areas.
- The audience will understand how to valorize the waste plastic bottles.