Title: Solutions from Green Chemistry to co-Integrate Biomaterials near Electronic Devices
Title: Will hydrogen be able, to solve the energy problems of the world?
Title: Big Data Driven Internet of Things: Toward Environmental Sustainability and Intelligence
Title: Over the Wall Drainage: Sustainable Drainage for Waterfront Developments
Title: Recent Development of deep eutectic solvent for chitosan-based cellulose nanowhiskers
Title: Impacts of Climate Changes and Adaptation Measures of Local People in Central Highlands of Viet Nam
Title: Bioinspired organocatalysis performed by supramolecular host molecules
Title: Catalytic transformations of Siloxane-based materials towards a recycling loop
Title: Application of ultra/nano filtration membrane on mining Uranium in seawaters
Title: A new separable green-carbon material design with potential application in herbicide adsorption
Title: Green Chemistry approach by Introduction of Biopesticides toward a Sustainable Agriculture
Title: Photoreduction of Cr VI by ZnS ZnO/MCM-41 based on blast furnace slag and electric arc furnace dust
Title: Development Of Functional Nanocatalyst /Polymer composite
Title: Treatment of Domestic Wastewater Using a Novel Compact Unit
Title: Bio-based Acrylate Coatings
Title: Detection of CO2 pollutions based on Phononic crystals
Title: Removal of toxic phenol from wastewater using low-cost adsorbents