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5th Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

September 18-20 | London, UK

September 18 -20, 2025 | London, UK
TERMC 2023

Pandemic “covid-19 – postcovid syndrome”: was it possible to save the doctors and staff of the "red zone" of hospitals from illness and death?

Krashenyuk Albert Ivanovich, Speaker at Regenerative Medicine Conferences
Academy of Hirudotherapy, Russian Federation
Title : Pandemic “covid-19 – postcovid syndrome”: was it possible to save the doctors and staff of the "red zone" of hospitals from illness and death?


An analysis of the morbidity and mortality of medical personnel in different countries revealed an interesting pattern: surgeons and nurses were most often ill and dying.  At the same time, the most likely version is that medical personnel violated the anti-epidemic regime. However, there is another reason - this is the remote (distant) interaction of the Aquasystems of a sick and healthy person. The experiments of Academician V.P. Kaznacheev and co-authors, at the International Research Institute of Space Anthropoecology (RISA) in Novosibirsk (Russia), since 1994, on the basis of more than 20,000 experiments, made it possible to establish a reliable fact of remote interconnection of cell cultures in the optical range. Thus, cell cultures, under the influence of an experimental factor (viruses, toxins, radiation, etc.) on them, acquire the ability to distribute destructive information (pathological process) to healthy cellular structures remotely.  When two cell cultures come into contact through optical media (quartz glasses, mica, and others).   This means that the realization of action information is remembered through structural information (genetic, molecular-structural destruction of the cell) and a new factor of its distribution in space is formed. Confirmation was also carried out at our department, on the model of ultraviolet irradiation of people with the definition of the criterion of chaos (Kch) and the criterion of order (Ko) - development of the works of the Nobel laureate Prigogine I. These materials are published in detail in the author's article: “Krashenyuk A.I., “COVID-19” – “POSTCOVID SYNDROME” Pandemic: How to Protect   Doctors and Nurses in the “Red Zone” of Hospital? J. of Medical & Clinical Nursing, 2022, Volume 3(4): 1- 9”.   It is not difficult to imagine a doctor or nurse who is in close contact with patients in the "Red Zone" for 10-12 hours, performing medical procedures: doctors operate on sick patients, nurses measure blood pressure, make injections, droppers, and other procedures. At the same time, the Aquasystem of a sick person affects the Aquasystem of a healthy person, which reproduces the  "Image of the disease", in this case “C?VID-19”. Today, there is a whole scientific direction: the ability to transmit radio signals from one aquatic environment to another. Today, obtaining information copies of medicines is a matter of information. The technology takes advantage of the ability of chemical and biological substances to produce ultra-weak radiation that can be transmitted over long distances over communication lines, including the Internet. According to professor V.I. Slesarev, the author of the theory of "Aquacommunication", it is not substances that emit, but their aquamodels!   Since water is a source of radiation and is sensitive to external radiation, water is an aquaradiosystem.  In our already published work, the mechanism of interaction between the aquatic systems of a healthy and sick person is analyzed in detail, and if we do not apply this knowledge in practice, we will continue to lose medical workers in the "Red Zone".   And this is obvious, since the mechanism of this phenomenon has been proven by many studies, including ours. From this point of view, the protection of health workers requires a different design of protective clothing for doctors, i.e. protection from acoustic-electromagnetic radiation of the aquatic system of a person with”COVID-19” coronavirus, for example, using a Faraday grid or using a radar detector. In addition, the discovery of wave (acoustic-electromagnetic) radiation of medical leeches allows us to consider another possible aspect of the therapeutic and preventive effect of the "System method of leeching" (SML).   The wave radiation of leeches significantly exceeds the radiation of influenza and herpes viruses serotype 2 (from the literature data 800 and 440 Hz, respectively). The leech emits in the range of 25-250 kHz.   We do not yet know the frequency of radiation of the coronavirus "COVID-19", but we assume that it is significantly lower than that of a medical leech. And this is the basis for our assumption about the preventive role of the SML in health workers in contact with those infected with the “COVID-19” virus.    Moreover, this has been proven in practice by our students who own the "System method of leeching" (SML).  


Krashenyuk A.I.  Graduated from the 1st Pavlov Medical Institute in 1971 in Leningrad, and postgraduate studies in biochemistry at the same institute in 1974 from Professor V.I. Rosengart. In 1974 he received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. From 1974 to 1985 he worked as a senior researcher and head of the laboratory of biophysical methods of research at the Pasteur Institute in Leningrad. He was engaged in the development of vaccines against measles, mumps, influenza, tick-borne encephalitis. From 1985 to 1992 he headed the laboratory of live influenza vaccines and biophysical methods of research . Created the world first purified live influenza vaccine, which was vaccinated 4.5 million people without post-vaccination complications. In 1995 he received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences from the Institute of Influenza of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAS). One of the creators of space biotechnology for the production of highly purified viral proteins in microgravity. In 1996 and to the present time the creator of the world first department and Academy of Hirudotherapy. Honorary Scientist of  Europe, Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Germany), Grand Doctor in Biology and Medicine (Oxford), Full Professor of Oxford. For a series of works in the field of virology in 2023 the author was awarded the diploma "Pasteur-Professor" of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Germany)
