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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at London, UK or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

September 18-20 | London, UK

September 18 -20, 2025 | London, UK
TERMC 2023

Rat’s subcutaneous response toward decellularized goat skin and heterologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Fajar Shodiq Permata, Speaker at Tissue Engineering Conferences
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Title : Rat’s subcutaneous response toward decellularized goat skin and heterologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)


The decellularized tissue is famous for grafts that can be a combined growth factor. One tissue graft is dermal matrix-derived animal skin, and the source of the cocktail growth factor is platelet-rich plasma. The study developed a dermal matrix from a goat that combined with heterologous PRP. The research proposed examining the response of rats’ subcutaneous tissue toward decellularized goat skin mixed with PRP. The parameters were extracellular matrix, histopathology features, fibroblast cell count, inflammation cell count, interleukin (IL) 10, 6, 1β, and  TNF-α. As many as twenty Wistar male rats, 150-200 grams, were separated into four groups: control group, decellularized goat skin group, PRP group, and mix of decellularized goat skin and PRP group. Decellularization for goat skin used Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) solution and PRP preparation from rat’s blood heterologous. The biomaterial based on each group was implanted inside the rats subcutaneously for 14 days. On Day 15th, the subcutaneous tissue-implanted area was collected in NBF solution and continued for tissue processing. The results highlighted that a combination of decellularized goat skin and heterologous PRP reduced IL-10, IL-6, and IL-1β expression. Otherwise, it affected the elevation of fibroblast cells and TNF-α expression. There was good integration scaffold into skin based on histopathology and extracellular matrix features of the combination group, although there was no difference in inflammation cell number among biomaterial implant groups. The conclusion was that the combination of decellularized goat skin and PRP showed good biocompatibility to fasten the integration of the dermal scaffold matrix with host tissue. The decellularized goat skin can be considered for xeno-dermal graft combining heterologous PRP for better results than implanting each material lonely.

Audience Take Away:

  • The audience will obtain benefits to learn about decellularized goat skin as candidates of dermal matrix combined PRP
  • The industry of pharmacy will receive insight material for dermal graft from goat skin
  • The audience will learn the fruitful advantage of the subcutaneous response of rats toward dermal grafts (as combining decellularized goat skin and PRP)


Fajar, DVM, M.Biotech studied Biomedical Engineering from Biotechnology Master Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia and graduated as MBiotech in 2013. He is a veterinarian (DVM) since 2009. His master thesis was about nerve xenograft from sheep using decellularization techniques. He is a lecturer in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya started in 2013. He has an active researcher, and he achieved research grant Medical ministry of Indonesia in 2015, which developed xeno-cardiac tissue engineering. He got as the best presenter in Nichi-in Regenerative Medicine event in Tokyo, Japan, in 2019. He is one of the panelist in SYIS TERMIS AP in 2021. Now he has 16 Scopus articles.
