Fibres are thread-like structures with thin, long, and flexible strands that can be broadly defined. Plants and animals are the two main sources of fibres. The fibre manufacturing process, as well as the components and coating chemistries used in the process, determine the fibre qualities.
Fibre reinforcement is the primary source of structural characteristics in composite materials. The fibre in a composite, held in place by the matrix resin, gives tensile strength to the final product, improving performance attributes such as strength and stiffness while reducing weight.
Title : Investigating efficiency and environmental impact of type 4 hydrogen tank for heavy mobility
David Chapelle, Université Marie et Louis Pasteur, CNRS, Institut FEMTO-ST, France
Title : Strain localization in austenitic stainless steels studied by atom force microscope
Ghiath Monnet, EDF R&D, France
Title : Features of high-voltage consolidation of powder materials
Evgeny Grigoryev, Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Title : Application of metal single-site zeolite catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis
Stanislaw Dzwigaj, Sorbonne University, France
Title : Exploring graphene oxide nanocomposites in cancer therapy
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : How the impact of scarce/critical materials can influence the energy transition
Antonio Iliceto, ETIP SNET, Italy