Title : Photonic devices for photonic integrated circuits
Integration of high-speed light devices, as well as technological advances, are critical factors influencing the development of integrated photonic circuits for optical communication networks. Every day, the increasing demand for wider bandwidth needs signal processing systems at high-speed. In conventional electronics, the signal processing speed is limited due to slow speed and huge power consumption. All-optical signal processing is an alternate way to increase signal processing speed at very low power consumption. Using the new generation of optical devices to perform all-optical logic operations with rapid transfer, storage, high processing speed, and high data rate, there are advantages to the realization of photonic integrated technology in comparison to the issues discussed in conventional electronic devices. Massive research is being conducted to design miniaturised photonic components for integrated circuits.In general, photonic integrated circuits (PICs), are the combination of various photonics technologies like Photonic Crystals (PCs), Plasmonic, Planar Lightwave Circuits (PLCs) and Micro-Optical-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS). In comparison to the above discussed different platforms for PICs, photonic crystals-based devices are preferred because of their various advantages like ultra-compact in size, more temperature resilient, flexible design structure, low radiation losses, high operation speed, and very low group velocity.The photonic crystal (PC) structure is micro- or nanoscale in size with two kinds of dielectrics, made up to modulate the flow of light in a designed structure on a single substrate. Moreover, among various properties of PCs, photonic bandgap (PBG) due to a periodic structure has attracted attention, which is one of the key components for the implementation of PICs in controlling and guiding the flow of light.Various photonic crystals based optical devices like: Channel Drop Filter, De-Multiplexer, Optical Switch, Optical Logic-Gates, Optical Encoder etc, will be discussed during the workshop and it has been observed that, further analysis could be done for different operating wavelengths and other parameters such as modifying the radius of rods, scatter rod radius or lattice constant. Such a device structure with low power consumption, small size and high data rate, which occupy less space could be utilized in future as photonic integrated circuits for high-speed optical communication.
Audience Take Away Notes :
- Design and analysis of Photonic crystal based passive devices?
- Integration of Photonic devices in Photonic Integrated Circuits