Title: Excimer laser processing of ph and glucose sensing membranes for controlled drug delivery
Title: A review of high-power femtosecond MID-IR laser systems for attosecond science and spectroscopy
Title: Towards all-optical atom chips based on optical waveguides
Title: Planar optical waveguide engineering using ultrafast laser plasma doping process
Title: Hybrid Brillouin/Rayleigh sensors for multiparameter distributed optical fiber sensors
Title: Developments and applications of the optical equivalence theorem
Title: Microwave photonic techniques for 5G/6G fiberwireless systems
Title: Growth of breast cancer cells on laser-patterned surfaces
Title: Solid-surface fluorescence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the cellulose diacetate matrix
Title: Small size and high sensitive GFRP mandrel based fiber optic hydrophone array
Title: Azodye nanolayers: Applications in E-paper and security films
Title: Preparation and experimental studies on microfiber sensors
Title: Nanoplasmonics enabled multi-dimensional optical multiplexing
Title: Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber for optical orbital angular momentum communication
Title: External cavity self-adaptive lasers assisted by distributed feedbacks
Title: Impacts of environmental parameters to underwater optical wireless communication system
Title: Functional transillumination imaging of animal body using NIR light scattering
Title: Circular defect in photonic crystal (CirD) laser for intra-chip optical interconnects
Title: RGB port demultiplexer using polycarbonate core polymer optical fiber technolgy
Title: Low-power optogenetic control of high-frequency neural codes with single-spike resolution
Title: Designing a smart city infrastructure for luxury and disaster reduction
Title: Performance evaluation of direct detection receivers in UWOC systems for different water types
Title: Improving the fatigue of newly designed mechanical system subjected to repeated impact loading