This is to inform that due to some circumstances beyond the organizer control, “4th Edition of European Lasers, Photonics and Optics Summit” (ELOS 2025) March 10-12, 2025 | Hybrid Event has been postponed. The updated dates and venue will be displayed shortly.
Your registration can be transferred to the next edition, if you have already confirmed your participation at the event.
For further details, please contact us at or call +1 (702) 988-2320.
Title: Wave scattering by many small particles and applications
Title: Apparent mean-field criticality of the liquid-liquid phase transition of ionic solutions
Title: Functional materials engineering with femtosecond laser induced plasma
Title: Comparative analysis mathematical models for the problems of electron optics
Title: Intraocular Micro-implant Containing Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA)
Title: Observation and Relativity: The speed of light is not truly invariant!
Title: Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy for the Middle Atmosphere Wind Measurement
Title: Miniature and Accurate 3D Structured Light Sensor on Mobile Intelligent Terminal
Title: AI techniques for broadband photonics MMW communication towards 6G
Title: Light scattering of a single nanoparticle controlled by wavefront shaping
Title: Suppression of scattering blur in macroscopic imaging of human body using NIR light
Title: Photoalignment and photopatterning: New LC display and photonics technology
Title: Pulsed Fiber Laser Generation Using MXene Materials-Based Saturable Absorber
Title: Fabrication and Performance of Sputtered Blu-Ray Disks as SERS Substrates for TNT Detection
Title: Posterior laser barrage in advancing retinopathy of prematurity
Title: Study of Lower order Entanglement in Non-Degenerate Four Wave Mixing Process
Title: International year of glass-2022 – life line of lanthanide doped glasses for photonic applications
Title: Wireless Self-Organizing Networks and Trust Management System
Title: A review on cosmic red shift definition and cosmic light speed expansion
Title: Surface modification of ferrous metal alloys by nano-second laser shock peening
Title: Understanding the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Sensors from the First Principle
Title: Three-Dimensional Non-Paraxial Scalar Beam Propagation
Title: Hermite cosh gaussian laser-Induced electron acceleration
Title: A theoretical study on anti-laser with EM perspective
Title: Treatment of Breast cancer using laser induced Photodynamic Therapy and Gold Nanoparticles
Title: Photoluminescence properties of RE ions (Tb3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Eu3+) doped CdF2 single crystal