Title: Wave scattering by many small particles and applications
Title: Apparent mean-field criticality of the liquid-liquid phase transition of ionic solutions
Title: Functional materials engineering with femtosecond laser induced plasma
Title: Comparative analysis mathematical models for the problems of electron optics
Title: Intraocular Micro-implant Containing Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA)
Title: Observation and Relativity: The speed of light is not truly invariant!
Title: Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy for the Middle Atmosphere Wind Measurement
Title: Miniature and Accurate 3D Structured Light Sensor on Mobile Intelligent Terminal
Title: AI techniques for broadband photonics MMW communication towards 6G
Title: Light scattering of a single nanoparticle controlled by wavefront shaping
Title: Suppression of scattering blur in macroscopic imaging of human body using NIR light
Title: Photoalignment and photopatterning: New LC display and photonics technology
Title: Pulsed Fiber Laser Generation Using MXene Materials-Based Saturable Absorber
Title: Fabrication and Performance of Sputtered Blu-Ray Disks as SERS Substrates for TNT Detection
Title: Posterior laser barrage in advancing retinopathy of prematurity
Title: Study of Lower order Entanglement in Non-Degenerate Four Wave Mixing Process
Title: International year of glass-2022 – life line of lanthanide doped glasses for photonic applications
Title: Wireless Self-Organizing Networks and Trust Management System
Title: A review on cosmic red shift definition and cosmic light speed expansion
Title: Surface modification of ferrous metal alloys by nano-second laser shock peening
Title: Understanding the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Sensors from the First Principle
Title: Three-Dimensional Non-Paraxial Scalar Beam Propagation
Title: Hermite cosh gaussian laser-Induced electron acceleration
Title: A theoretical study on anti-laser with EM perspective
Title: Treatment of Breast cancer using laser induced Photodynamic Therapy and Gold Nanoparticles
Title: Photoluminescence properties of RE ions (Tb3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Eu3+) doped CdF2 single crystal