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ELOS 2025

Analytical exploration of wave theory based highly sensitive fiber optic bio-sensor irradiated by BG beam for early diagnosis of dengue infection

Nabamita Goswami, Speaker at Optics Conference
National Institute of Technology Agartala, India
Title : Analytical exploration of wave theory based highly sensitive fiber optic bio-sensor irradiated by BG beam for early diagnosis of dengue infection


An analytical study of wave theory-based multilayered SPR-based fiber optic biosensor by shinning Bessel-Gauss (BG) beam is proposed here for early diagnosis of dengue infection. At first, this wave theory-based analytical model shined by Gaussian (G) beam is validated with the already reported experimental data, where the obtained results are in good accord with the experimental findings presented by Y. M. Kamil et al. in 2018. So, it affords the experimental confirmation of the validity of the proposed theory. The enhancement in sensitivity is 1.99 times ascertained by employing G beam for our proposed structure at a spectral sensitivity of 10.008 nm/nM. This theoretical investigation has then been extended utilizing the BG beam, where the observed sensitivity is increased to 59,602.00 dB/RIU and 20.016 nm/nM with a resolution of 1.68×10-7, which is 3.98 times higher than the referred published work. Here, the limit of detection is 0.06 pM with a minimum change in transmitted output power of 0.8658 milliwatt/RIU. When the DENV-II E protein concentration ranges from 0.08 pM to 0.6 nM, higher spectral shifts are observed. Consequently, enhancements in sensitivity and resolution can be achieved at reduced concentrations, paving the idea of diagnosis of dengue infection at an early stage.


Audience Take Away Notes:

  • To the best of our knowledge, this objective proposes the first theoretical concept for a DENV-II E protein detection sensor depending on the multimode interference and employing a zeroth order BG beam as an input source
  • The suggested concept outperforms all prior ray-theoretic fiber-optic biosensors in terms of sensitivity and resolution. Accurate analysis of different modes within the fiber and good matching between the analytical and experimental results can only be acquired utilizing this wave-theoretical method. As a result precise solution with appropriate design can be achieved through this idea
  • The proposed sensor achieves a resolution of 1.68×10-7, a sensitivity of 20.016 nm/nM, and 59,602.00 dB/RIU by making use of the BG beam. This is 3.98 times higher than the referred published works based on the Gaussian beam


Dr. Nabamita Goswami is an Assistant professor at National Institute of Technology, Agartala, India (since 2014). She received her M.Tech and PhD degrees in 2010 and 2015 respectively from the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, India. She has published 13 SCI Journals and over 25 articles in International Conference proceedings, one article in National Conference, and delivered 2 invited talks in 2 International Conferences. She serves one of the potential reviewers of the international journals like “Optics Communication”, “Applied Optics” and “IJAREEIE”. She is also one of the members of OSA.
