Title : Cosmological redshift, time dilation and the doppler effect
At first glance, it seems that the cosmological red shift and the effect of time dilation in the gravitational field and in moving systems have nothing in common and are explained differently. Immediately after its discovery in 193, the cosmological red shift was explained by the Doppler effect discovered in 1842 and is still explained by this effect. It is generally accepted that the time dilation predicted by Lorentz was first discovered in the Ives-Stillwell experiment in 1938 and is currently confirmed by the GPS system.
As shown in a number of our works, the Ether Doppler effect is erroneous and has led to an erroneous explanation of the cosmological red shift. Using the Emission Doppler effect proposed by us has made it possible - on the basis of classical ideas about space and time - to explain the red shift without the scattering of galaxies and the myth of the Big Bang and to prove that there is no "time dilation" in reality and the observed effects are explained by a change in the speed of photons and the Doppler change in their frequency.