Title : Enhanced silicon nanophotonics for targeted non-classical light delivery on biostructures
In this Research work it was tuned mono-coloured and multi-coloured Silicon Nanophotonics incorporating varied Nanomaterials such as plasmonics, Laser dyes, and further hybrid materials. Thus, it was tuned different enhanced phenomena within the Nanoscale as Metal Enhanced Fluorescence (MEF), Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), MEF-FRET coupling, and varied energy mode coupling with optical active and non-active Biostructures such as amino-acids, proteins, bacteria, and cells. In this context, it was evaluated the energy transfer through space and time, highlighting current Research works related with Nano-Biolabelling of Cyanobacteria such as Microcystis sp, Anabaena sp., etc. from Sierras of Cordoba, and Patagonia lakes, Argentine. Thus it is presented Synthetic non-classical luminescence generation by Enhanced Silica Nanophotonics based on Nano-Bio-FRET applying Hybrid Silicon Nanoemitters[1]. Moreover, affording from biomolecules to Nano-Biostructures, it is presented Nanophotonics towards smaller biomolecules, proteins and Nanostructured proteins such as Human Serum Albumin (HSA). Thus, it is discussed about Bi-coloured Enhanced Luminescence Imaging by targeted switch on/off Laser MEF coupling for synthetic Biosensing of HSA[2] by developing Core-shell Nano-emitters[3]. In this manner, it is intended to discuss about how tuning the Nanoscale, it is afforded to new Nanophotonics approaches from the near field towards the far field irradiation within Biological media with perspectives of Nanotechnology, Biodetection, Biophotonics and Nanomedicine applications.