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ELOS 2025

Entangled photon-electron following thermo-field dynamics method

Ahlem Abidi, Speaker at Optics Conferences
Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia
Title : Entangled photon-electron following thermo-field dynamics method


Thermo-field dynamics (TFD)  is a method linking quantum information to statistical thermodynamics, focus directly on the state because the states in the tilde space in TFD play a role of tracer of the initial states by defining an extended density matrix described on the double Hilbert space, ordinary or conjugated Hilbert spaces. The study of quantum entanglement is more complicated, so the TFD method makes it easier, this is the subject of this paper.  We use Thermo-field Dynamics method to study entanglement entropies and transition probability of a Photon electron system between equilibrium with heat bath, and non-equilibrium, based on the dissipative von Neumann equation. Numerically, at the equilibrium and by controlling the system through temperature, we show that entanglement entropies verify the Nernst’s theorem. By increasing the quantization of a single-mode electromagnetic field, entanglement and transition probability decrease. At non-equilibrium, we show that entanglement entropies obey the second law of thermodynamics, and the emission of a photon decrease the probability of detecting the electron at a quantum level.

Keywords: Photon-electron system, Thermo-field Dynamics method, entanglement, transition probability.


Dr. Ahlem Abidi studied Physics at Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia and graduated as Ms of Quantum Physics in 2014.  He then joined the Research Unit of Nuclear and High Energy Physics of Prof. Adel Trabelsi at the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar in collaboration with the University of Tunis, National School of Engineers of Tunis in 2017. He received my PhD degree in 2022 at the National School of Engineers of Tunis. He joined the American Journal of Physics and Applications as a member reviewer between December 2021 and December 2023 and the University of Jendouba, Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Beja as a temporary assistant between January 2022 and January 2023. We have awarded to Women researcher award in Aug 2023. Curently, He is assistant Contractual at Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Jendouba, Editorial Board Member at American Journal of Physics and Applications and doctor researcher  at Tunis El Manar University, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Department of Physics, Nanostructured Materials, Quantum and Nonlinear Optics Laboratory. I have published 10 between research articles and conference papers.
