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ELOS 2025

On the development of photo electric effect

Nishant Kumar Sharma, Speaker at Optics Conferences
Kumaun University, India
Title : On the development of photo electric effect


In This Manuscript We Will Discuss About The Improvement In Einstein’s Photo Electric Effect Equation and then we provide The Equation Of Improved Photo-Electric Effect here we discussed about the new theory non interactive mechanics plays a important role in pee phenomenon that non interactive particles gives matter as a medium to photons to eject from the surface of metal. Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Modified Photo

Electric Effect Equation And Mass of Non intractable particles with varies time lags, this mass value is the shortest and smallest mass value predicted by any theory for any particle, to explain the range and limit of this mass value as entering in quantum world we find atomic nucleus then quark field than quantum fluctuations then gravity metric fields and in the dots of gravity metric field these non interactive particles found, these particles have the mass value of Gev-sec/c^2 so neither these particles are energy nor matter even the time falls under it so these are the particles beyond space-time continuum according to my explanation Unlocking these particles will become unlimited source of energy in future when organizations like cern find out these particles. Mass of Non intractable Particle in  / at varies time (t), overcome from uncertainty principle and

Schrodinger Cat Problem in this section we discussed about how the mass of non interactive particle is same at two time differences. Non interactive theory of photo electric effect, The Mass of light And Non Intractable particle, this section explain the quantum mechanical mass of light and non interactive particles are same but non interactive masses are different,

Matter Photon Interaction explains which reaction is possible and which is not. And finally the conclusion of manuscript.


Nishant Kumar Sharma, a physics graduate from Kumaun University, Nainital, hails from Uttarakhand, India. He is an independent researcher focused on exploring new physics in the modern era. He has contributed to the field by publishing several papers featuring mathematical proofs.
