Title : The future of photonics in Europe
The European Technology Platform Photonics21 was founded in 2005 and represents the photonics community of industry and research organisations. Jointly with the European Commission our members develop and implement a common photonics strategy in a Horizon Europe Photonics Partnership to realise Europe's digital and green transformation goals and to secure European sovereignty. The presentation will provide further insights into Photonics21, our aims and how our seven Photonics21 work groups and boards operate. Work Group 1 focuses on “Digital infrastructure”, Work Group 2 concentrates on “Manufacturing”, Work Group 3 focuses on “Health”, Work Group 4 is called “Climate, mobility & energy”, Work Group 5 is about “Safety, Security, space & defence”, Work Group 6 focuses on “Agriculture & food” and Work Group 7 is called “Core Photonics”. The Photonics21 Bord of Stakeholders is the main decision-making body of the platform. The Photonics21 Executive Board is composed of the 7 Work Group Chairs as well as the Photonics21 President and three Vice-Presidents. It is is responsible for the coordination and execution of the platform operations, for the preparation and the implementation of the decisions of the BoS and for the external representation of the platform.
The presentation will further highlight the most important Photonics Partnership milestones of the last years. Furthermore, the presentation will provide an overview on our ongoing European activities. In addition to this the presentation will provide an overview how Photonics21 will advocate towards a new Photonics Partnership in the upcoming European Framework Programme FP10 which will start in 2028. Last, but not least, the presentation will give an outlook on the upcoming Photonics Partnership Annual Meeting 2025 which will be held on 15 & 16 May 2025 in Brussels.