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ELOS 2025

Vladimir T Chernyi

Vladimir T Chernyi, Speaker at Optics Conferences
Vladimir T Chernyi
Modern Science Institute, Russian Federation


Vladimir V. Tchernyi (Cherny) has Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. in Radiophysics including Quantum Radiophysics and he is Professor. He is a member of Laser Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Academy of Engineering Sciences named after Nobel laureate A.M. Prokhorov, International Informatization Academy and International Academy of Energy and Information Sciences. He is a member of the Board of the Russian Agency for the Development of the Information Society (RARIO). He used to work as a research scientist at the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics and at the Institute of General Physics Institute, both with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. He was a head of the Department of Radiophysics of Volgograd State University in Russia and he was a research scientist at the University of California at Berkeley. Now he is a Director of the Modern Science Institute, SAIBR in Moscow where he is doing research in the area of advance science and innovative technology. He was lecturing in the USA and other countries of Europe, Africa and Asia. He presented talks at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville of Alabama, Astronomy Institute in Honolulu of Hawaii, USA National Bureau of Standards in Washington, University of California at Berkeley, George Washington University in Washington, University of California in San Diego, Astronomy Institute of University of Argentina at La Plata, University of Alexandria Egypt, South Africa, etc.

During 2019-2023 he presented talks at ISSM Xi’an, China 2019, Inter. Conf. Phys. & Networks, Houston 2019, 235 AAS Meeting 2020, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2021, XXXIV URSI GASS 2021, EPSC2021, 53rd DPS AAS Meeting 2021, 12M-S3 2021, 238th AAS Meeting 2021, 53LPSC 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 13M-S3 2022, 14M-S3 2023, IAU 2024 Cape Town RSA etc. Tchernyi V. published more than 100 research articles in the area of Saturn’s rings origin, oceanography, laser technology, microelectronics and nanotechnology, integrated optics and laser in medicine. Recently he is busy with his latest discovery devoted to the mechanism of the origin of Saturn rings.
