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ELOS 2025

The origin of Saturn's visible dense rings, first observed by Galileo in 1610 and confirmed by Cassini observations in 2004-2017

Vladimir T Chernyi, Speaker at Optics Conferences
Modern Science Institute, Russian Federation
Title : The origin of Saturn's visible dense rings, first observed by Galileo in 1610 and confirmed by Cassini observations in 2004-2017


Here we present for the first time a new explanation for the origin of Saturn's visible dense rings. Space is not empty; it is fill with gravity and magnetism. Italian scientist G. Galileo discovered the visible dense rings in 1610. For 400 years now, their origin, dynamics, evolution and age have remained a mystery. British scientist J.K. Maxwell proved in 1856 that the visible dense rings along the orbits consist of an infinite number of separated chunks. NASA has flown three missions to explore the Saturn system: Pioneer-11, Voyager-1, Voyager-2, and collaborated with the Italian Space Agency on the outstanding Cassini mission, 2004-2017. However, there is no yet answer. After Cassini's grand finale in 2017, there is no final consensus on the origin and age of the visible dense rings.

We show that Saturn's magnetism makes an important contribution to the origin of visible dense rings, and helps to explain some of their observed features, for example, such as the equilibrium separation of ice chunks in dense rings, which has not explained yet, and others. Many features of dense rings were observed and measured by the Cassini probe, but could not be explained within the framework of known gravitational theories. There are number of gravitational models of the origin of Saturn rings: a moon of the planet could have been disrupted by a passing celestial body; the rings could have been generated by the chunks separated from icy moons of the outer planets by collision with comets or meteorites; the ring chunks can be debris of a large comet tidally broken by the planet; the rings can be the relic of a protosatellite disk. Unfortunately, no theory has provided a convincing explanation for the observed features and peculiarities of Saturn's visible dense rings among the bodies of the Solar System. Cassini measured that the chunks of rings mostly consist of 90-95% of water ice. In addition, Cassini found the ratio of deuterium and hydrogen isotopes for the ice of Saturn’s visible dense rings is the same as for the Earth’s ice. This fact indicates the similarity of ice in the rings and Earth’s ice. The science of ice is complicated. About 20 types of ice known on Earth. Ice XI is more suitable for Saturn's dense rings. It has stable parameters below 73K and it is diamagnetic. With these data, we have found a solution to the problem of the interaction of gravitational field and magnetic field of Saturn with diamagnetic ice chunks moving in Kepler’s orbits around Saturn in a protoplanetary cloud. An interesting fact is that accounts the action of magnetic field of Saturn in addition to the action of gravitational field explains the transformation of a protoplanetary cloud filled with the ice chunks into a disk of stable visible dense rings system as well as it accounts for a strong planar structure of rings located at the magnetic equator of Saturn. Cassini probe discovered that Saturn's magnetic equator almost coincides with the geographical one. Saturn's magnetic field has a dominating dipolar structure in the region of visible dense rings. Finally we are coming to conclusion that Saturn could create its dense rings from the ice chunks of the protoplanetary cloud with the help its own magnetic field due to the action of an additional third force of diamagnetic expulsion and the mechanism of magnetic anisotropic accretion. An interesting feature is that under the influence of the planet's magnetic field, the ice chunks of dense rings remain separated; otherwise, if they will stick together because of their own gravity, they can form another satellite. J.C. Maxwell has proved that rings along the orbit are not continuous, but consist of separated chunks of matter [1859. MNRAS, 19: 297]. Unfortunately, at his time, there was no knowledge that rings consist of ice and this ice is diamagnetic. It becomes to be clear only after measurements of rings by the Cassini probe. The Newtonian dynamics for a single ice chunks differs from the dynamics for ice chunks assembled in the rings system. Chunks repel each other under the influence of magnetic force and are attracted to each other under the influence of gravity. From the balance of the forces of gravitational attraction and magnetic repulsion, we have derived the expression for the calculation of equilibrium and stable distance between the ice chunks in the rings.

The origin and observed features of the visible dense rings such as their thin structure in the group of them and equilibrium separations of chunks, all of them we received for the first time for 400 years after Galilei saw rings in 1610. All presented results confirmed by the measured data and by the imaging of the Saturn’s visible dense rings obtained by the Cassini probe in 2004-2017.


Vladimir V. Tchernyi (Cherny) has Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. in Radiophysics including Quantum Radiophysics and he is Professor. He is a member of Laser Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Academy of Engineering Sciences named after Nobel laureate A.M. Prokhorov, International Informatization Academy and International Academy of Energy and Information Sciences. He is a member of the Board of the Russian Agency for the Development of the Information Society (RARIO). He used to work as a research scientist at the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics and at the Institute of General Physics Institute, both with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. He was a head of the Department of Radiophysics of Volgograd State University in Russia and he was a research scientist at the University of California at Berkeley. Now he is a Director of the Modern Science Institute, SAIBR in Moscow where he is doing research in the area of advance science and innovative technology. He was lecturing in the USA and other countries of Europe, Africa and Asia. He presented talks at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville of Alabama, Astronomy Institute in Honolulu of Hawaii, USA National Bureau of Standards in Washington, University of California at Berkeley, George Washington University in Washington, University of California in San Diego, Astronomy Institute of University of Argentina at La Plata, University of Alexandria Egypt, South Africa, etc.

During 2019-2023 he presented talks at ISSM Xi’an, China 2019, Inter. Conf. Phys. & Networks, Houston 2019, 235 AAS Meeting 2020, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2021, XXXIV URSI GASS 2021, EPSC2021, 53rd DPS AAS Meeting 2021, 12M-S3 2021, 238th AAS Meeting 2021, 53LPSC 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 13M-S3 2022, 14M-S3 2023, IAU 2024 Cape Town RSA etc. Tchernyi V. published more than 100 research articles in the area of Saturn’s rings origin, oceanography, laser technology, microelectronics and nanotechnology, integrated optics and laser in medicine. Recently he is busy with his latest discovery devoted to the mechanism of the origin of Saturn rings.
